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Humanitarian Bulletin - Myanmar Issue: November 2012

Reports & Research
October, 2012

Dire humanitarian needs P.1...
Access constraints P.2...
Funding requirements P.3...
Sector needs and responses P.4.....


The Government reports that the total estimated number of IDPs in Rakhine reached 115,000 people, including over 36,000 newly displaced in late October.

Up to 75,000 people are estimated to have been displaced by insecurity in Kachin and northern Shan States which started in June 2011.

The Government indicates that at least 17 people were killed and 114 injured due to an earthquake in upper Myanmar.

Under The Boot - A Village's Story of Burmese Army Occupation to Build a Dam on the Shweli River

Reports & Research
December, 2007

At night the Shweli has always sung sweet songs for us.
But now the nights are silent and the singing has stopped.
We are lonely and wondering what has happened to our
Shweli?" ... "Exclusive photos and testimonies from a remote village near the China-Burma border uncover how Chinese dam builders are using Burma Army troops to secure Chinese investments. Under the Boot, a new report by Palaung researchers, details the implementation of the Shweli Dam project, China's first Build-Operate-Transfer hydropower deal with Burma's junta.

Burma: The Changing Nature of Displacement Crises

Reports & Research
January, 2007

"The shifting nature of conflict in Burma over the past fifteen years has structured a range of
inter-linked displacement crises. In this paper, three main types of forced migration in – and
from – the country are identified: Type 1 – armed-conflict-induced displacement; Type 2 –
State/society-induced displacement; and Type 3 – livelihood/vulnerability-induced
displacement. Each is addressed in a case study, with material drawn from different
geographic areas, illustrating different aspects and impacts of (armed and state-society)

Interviews in Satellite Villages

Reports & Research
July, 1990

from Dawn, Vol. 2 No. 13, July 1990...
"Recently, a report, with, photos was received from friends inside Burma. The report contains interviews with people who were recently relocated, under duress, to areas around Rangoon called "New Towns". Few such reports have been received, so DAWN wishes to give extra space in this issue to this reality of life in Burma

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Thai Policy toward Burmese Refugees and Migrants

Reports & Research
February, 2004

The report, Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Thai Policy toward Burmese Refugees, documents Thailand’s repression of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrant workers from Burma. "The Thai government is arresting and intimidating Burmese political activists living in Bangkok and along the Thai-Burmese border, harassing Burmese human rights and humanitarian groups, and deporting Burmese refugees, asylum seekers and others with a genuine fear of persecution in Burma..."

1. Introduction...

Pipeline Nightmare (English and Burmese မြန်မာဘာသာ)

Reports & Research
November, 2012

Shwe Pipeline Brings Land Confiscation, Militarization and Human Rights Violations to the Ta’ang People.
The Ta’ang Students and Youth Organization (TSYO) released a report today called “Pipeline Nightmare” that illustrates how the Shwe Gas and Oil Pipeline project, which will transport oil and gas across Burma to China, has resulted in the confiscation of people’s lands, forced labor, and increased military presence along the pipeline, affecting thousands of people.


Reports & Research
December, 2003

The plight of Burma's internally displaced persons has largely been overlooked by the
international community and the Burmese government itself. Villagers in the country's war
zones nevertheless have suffered for decades the adverse effects of conflict. For some,
displacement has become a way of life and a multi-generational phenomenon.
Displacement wherever it occurs profoundly changes the persons forced to move. People
lose belongings, jobs, and loved ones. The case of the internally displaced in southern Shan
State is no different.

Burma Human Rights Yearbook 2006: 17. Chapter 14: The Situation of Refugees

Reports & Research
June, 2007

Burmese Refugees in Thailand:
2006 Demographics of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Thailand ;
Thai Government Policy towards Refugees and Asylum Seekers;
Change of the Thai Government;
Policy for Refugees in the Camps;
Detained, Arrested and Deported Refugees;
The UNHCR and the Refugee Status Determination Process;
Situation of Women in Refugee Camps;
Situation of Children in Refugee Camps;
Situation of Specific Ethnic Groups of the Refugee Population;

Myanmar: Displacement in Rakhine State. Situation Report No. 3 (28 June 2012)

Reports & Research
June, 2012

"• The overall security situation is reported to be stable. Emergency rule and curfew remain in
place in six Townships across Rakhine State.
• According to official figures, 78 people are dead, 87 injured and 3,000 residential buildings are
damaged as of 24 June. Over 52,200 people remained newly displaced across Rakhine State.
Humanitarian partners estimate that around 90,000 people are affected, including the newly
displaced people.

Myanmar: Displacement in Rakhine State. Situation Report No. 2 (20 June 2012)

Reports & Research
June, 2012

"• According to official Government statistics dated 18 June, over 52,200 people have been
displaced and are accommodated in 66 camps/villages. Unofficial estimates indicated that
80,000 to 90,000 people have been affected.
• The Government has requested the RC/HC and humanitarian partners to support its response
efforts. Humanitarian assistance delivery is ongoing. It includes food, medical, water and
sanitation interventions. Food distribution that reached some 82,000 people as of 19 June.

Myanmar: Displacement in Rakhine State. Situation Report No. 1 (15 June 2012)

Reports & Research
June, 2012

"• Instability in Rakhine State that started since 28 May has resulted in displacement of over
36,000 people who are now located in 43 camps/locations, loss of lives and damages to houses
and communal buildings. This is an initial estimate which will need to be revised as more
information becomes available and assessment are carried out.
• The violence prompted the Government to impose curfew in six locations and declare the state
of emergency on 10 June across the State.