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Ley Nº 88 - Protección de la propiedad agraria.

Central America

De conformidad con lo dispuesto en la presente Ley, todos los títulos de reforma agraria, provisionales o definitivos, entregados a los asignatarios del proceso de reforma agraria serán considerados como el instrumento que les otorga la propiedad de la tierra y el derecho de poder ejercer la plena disposición del dominio y posesión; en consecuencia, dichos asignatarios podrán vender, traspasar o heredar (art. 2º). Todos estos títulos deberán ser inscritos ante los registradores de la propiedad inmueble, so pena de que toda transacción relativa a las tierras en cuestión se consideren nulas.

Ley Nº 6/1990 - Ley sobre edificación y usos en el medio rural.

Southern Europe

La Ley limita el desarrollo urbano en las zonas rurales. A tal fin, las municipalidades deberán identificar, sobre la base de criterios reglamentarios, suelos no urbanizables en las zonas rurales (art. 2º). Los usos en suelos no urbanizables se clasifican en permitidos, autorizables, incompatibles o prohibidos, en función de la compatibilidad del uso propuesto con la utilización de esos suelos para otros fines (art. 3º).

Acuerdo Nº 33 - Metodología para la definición de zonas de reforma agraria.

South America

Para identificar y seleccionar las zonas de reforma agraria, se deberá establecer la orden de prioridad de los municipios que pueden ser objeto de programas con arreglo a los criterios establecidos en la decisión del Instituto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria (INCORA). Estos criterios comprenden, entre otros, la concentración de la propiedad rústica, el nivel de desarrollo económico, la calidad de vida y la disponibilidad de tierras.

Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China.

Eastern Asia

The Law is divided into 8 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Ownership and Right to the Use Land (II); General Plans for the Utilization of Land (III); Protection of Cultivated Land (IV); Land for Construction Purposes (V); Supervision and Examination (VI); Legal Responsibilities (VII); Supplementary Provisions (VIII).This Law grants the ownership of land in rural and suburban areas to the collectives. Such land must be registered and recorded by the Governments at the county level. State-owned land may be used by units or by individuals and is recorded by local People's Governments.

Loi nº 87-19 déterminant le mode d'exploitation des terres agricoles du domaine national et fixant les droits et obligations des producteurs.

Northern Africa

Cette loi fixe le mode d'exploitation des terres agricoles. L'Etat est propriétaire, mais la loi consent aux collectifs agricoles un droit de jouissance cessible et perpétuel des terres. La loi décrit la nature et la composition des collectifs. Les agriculteurs acquièrent tous les droits sur ces terres, à l'exception du droit de propriété. Les collectifs doivent verser une redevance à l'Etat. Celui-ci cesse de rémunérer les travailleurs agricoles. Cette loi abroge l'ordonnance nº 68-653 du 30 décembre 1968 et les articles 858 à 866 de l'ordonnance nº 75-58 du 26 septembre 1975.

Resolution No. 333 promulgating Law No. 42 of 1987 concerning the re-organization of agrarian ownership under reclamation projects.

Western Asia

This Law focuses on the reorganization of landownership subject to agricultural land projects. It provides for ways to compensate landowners for expropriation and gives indications concerning the recording of land. It is the duty of the Lands and Appropriation Committee to notify the corresponding Real Estate Registration Department.

Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 (Republic Act No. 6657).

South-Eastern Asia

The Act consists of 78 sections, divided into 15 Chapters.(A) Policy Framework. It is the stated policy of the state to see to the welfare of the landless farmers and farmworkers, and to establish the owner-cultivatorship of economic-size farms as the basis of Philippine agriculture. To this end, and Agrarian Reform Program which is based on the right of landless farmers and farmworkers to own the land they till, or to receive a fair share of the fruits of their labour.

Land Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, 1991.

Western Asia

The Land Code (115 articles) is divided into 16 sections: General Provisions (1), Rights and obligations of proprietors (2), Farmland (3), Landownership, landholding and land use (4), Land of settlements (5), Land for industry, transportation, communication and other purposes (6), Land in sub-urban and green zones (7), Land of forest, water bodies and the land reserve (8), Damages (9), Land protection (10), Monitoring the use and protection of land (11), State land records (12), Land management (13), Settlement of disputes (14), Accountability (15) and International treaties (16).The Code o

Regulation about the Order and Consideration of Land Allotment Mediations, 1991.

Western Asia

The regulation contains the procedures and considerations for the allotment of land plots. The Regulation makes specifically provision for agricultural land. In the case of "condemnation" or temporary use of land for state or public needs land users or landowners are entitled to compensation. Land plots alloted to citizens, farmers and collective farms can be alienated when new land plots are alloted to them by agreement. (40 articles)

Decree No. 178 about establishing the maximum number of individual lots to be allocated as property for operating a farm, 1991.

Western Asia

"The maximum number of individual lots to be granted as property should be fixed on the extent of cultivable land of a given collective farm that is subject to distribution (irrigated arable land, arable land without irrigation, vineyards, orchards)." (one article)

Ordonnance nº 62-123 sur le classement en zones à vocation forestière, pastorale ou agricole des terres de Madagascar.

Eastern Africa

Cette ordonnance porte institution du classement des terres rurales en 3 zones préférencielles: terres à vocation forestière et de protection, terres à vocation pastorale et terres à vocation agricole et d'élevage intensif. Elle indique aussi le régime juridique afférent à chacune de ces zones.