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Ley Nº 55 - Modifica la Ley Nº 5.879 de 1962, sobre Reforma Agraria.

Dominican Republic

La presente Ley, que consta de 9 artículos, modifica La Ley Nº 5.879 de 1979, sobre Reforma Agraria, en lo relativo a la distribución de parcelas y selección de candidatos y candidatas, poniendo una mayor atención al tema de las unidades familiares que, según el párrafo único del artículo 14 modificado, se define como la unidad formada por el cónyuge la cónyuge, el conviviente, la conviviente o uno de ellos, y los hijos procreados por ambos, que se dediquen con el padre y la madre, o uno de ellos, a operar la parcela; y disponiendo que para todos los fines legales, la unidad familiar estará

Décret nº 96-188/P-RM portant organisation de la gérance des terres affectées à l'office du Niger.

Western Africa

Ce décret porte organisation de la gérance des terres affectées à l' office du Niger. La gérance de ces terres, en particulier de celles aménagées, équipées et irriguées ou irrigables, est confiée à l'office du Niger afin de mener à bien la mission de mise en valeur et de développement du Delta central du fleuve Niger. A cette fin, ces terres sont immatriculées au nom de l'Etat malien. L'office du Niger assure aux exploitants une assistance conseil sur les techniques culturales et de gestion des exploitations et encourage la création de groupements d'exploitants. De même.

Decree of the president on measures for deepening of land and agrarian reform in the Kyrghyz Republic.

Central Asia

This Decree contains a series of considerations and rules pertinent to land and agrarian reform and the allocation of land shares to citizens living and working in rural areas in kolkhozes and sovkhozes. Tasks of central and local authorities in this respect are formulated. It is determined that the citizens of the Kyrghyz Republic and legal persons of the Kyrgyz Republic enjoy the right to use land shares and sale, exchange, inherit, use as a collateral, rent this right to use land share. The setting up of a land reallocation fund is considered and exchange of land provided for.

Law on Dehkan (Private) Farm (No. 544 of 1992).

Central Asia

Dhekan farms are independent commercial enterprises with legal form and capacity as described in article 2. Such farms can voluntarily unite and join cooperative societies. Qualified persons have a preferential right on the granting of land plots. Such land is granted on the basis of conditions specified in article 6. District authorities shall create land funds for purposes of Dhekan development (art. 7). Certificates proving the right on a Dhekan farm are given out by the State. Lease shall be regulated by contract (art. 8). Dhekan farms shall be registered in accordance with article 11.

Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources.

Eastern Europe
Northern Europe

This Directive aims to reduce water pollution from nitrates used for agricultural purposes and to prevent any further pollution. It is closely linked to other EU policies which address air and water quality, climate change and agriculture.

Land in Care Scheme (Tir Gofal) (Wales) Regulations 1999 (No. 1176 of 1999).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations, which apply to Wales, contain the provisions of a new agri-environment scheme implementing in part a zonal programme approved by the European Commission under Article 7 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 2078/92 on agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements for the protection of the environment and the maintenance of the countryside. The Regulations provide for payments of aid to be made at any time during or after the agreement year (reg.

Decreto Nº 306 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 30 de 1986 y la Ley Nº 333 de 1996.

South America

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley Nº 30 de 1986 y la Ley Nº 333 de 1996 El inventario que levanten las autoridades en la diligencia de incautación de los bienes, deberá contener: 1) identificación, ubicación y extensión del bien; 2) estado del bien; 3) uso actual del bien; 4) mejoras y bienes muebles vinculados a éste y su descripción específica.

Tigray National Regional State's Rural Land Usage Proclamation No. 23/1997.

Eastern Africa

This Proclamation lays down rules relative to the ownership and use of land in the National State of Tigray. Land is declared to be "joint property" of the State and can not be sold, exchanged, given in lease or as bond for an indefinite time. Farmers may use land in their possession under conditions as set out in this Proclamation. The actual state of land is declared to be "accepted" under the present Proclamation. Farmers can give their land in lease under article 7. Article 8 concerns the lease of state land.

Resolution No. 03/2000/QD-CP on farm economy.

South-Eastern Asia

This Resolution is concerned with the development of various aspects of farming. These aspects include land allocation, production planning, water conservancy, water supply, knowledge of the market, management skills and techniques, etc. The Resolution outlines the basic features of the present farm economy and the general policy of the State towards farm economy and policy relative to a specific aspect, i.e. land policy, tax policy, investment policy, labour policy regarding technological and scientific development, market policy, and a farm assets protection policy.