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Taranga Mohila Kallyan Sangstha


Tarangal Mohila Kollayan Songstha A non-government, non-profitable and non-political organization established in 1996 with all levels of women for benefiting the distress families of Jamalpur. It stared vocational training and income generating activities with support from World Food Program (WFP) in the year 1997 and continued up to 2002.

Phuhlisani NPC


Phuhlisani began as a consultancy started by a group of people who wanted to support emerging farmers who obtained access to land through land reform programmes in South Africa. In 2015, after 12 years in operation as a Closed Corporation, the members of the company decided to convert Phuhlisani to a Non-Profit Company which took place in October 2015.

Phuhlisani NPC provides comprehensive services and support for sustainable land reform and rural development including:

Local Governments for Sustainability


ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is the leading global network of more than 1,500 cities, towns and regions committed to building a sustainable future.

By helping the ICLEI Network to become sustainable, low-carbon, resilient, ecomobile, biodiverse, resource-efficient and productive, healthy and happy, with a green economy and smart infrastructure, we impact over 25% of the global urban population.

International Journal of Social Science Studies


International Journal of Social Science Studies journal encourages and publishes research and studies in the field of Anthropology, Archaeology, Area Studies, Communication Studies, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Cultural and Ethnic Studies, Economics, Education, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Management, Philosophy,Political Science, Psychology, Sociology.

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Lawyers for Human Rights


Mission: To provide free legal services to vulnerable individuals and communities that have been denied their constitutional rights. Our overarching goal is to “make rights real”; we aim to ensure that the progressive promise of our national legislation is realised by representing clients (South Africans or non-nationals) who have been deprived of the law’s protection. We specialise in the following  areas Refugee and Migrant Rights, Strategic Litigation, Penal Reform, Environmental Rights, Land and Housing, and Gender Equality. 

Government of Odisha (India)

GOO (India)

Odisha is one of the federal States of the Union of India which came into existence from 1936. The Government of Odisha has number of Departments under it, like the Ministry in case of Government of India, to deal with administration and governance of the State of Odisha. As land is under the State list of the Constitution of India, Revenue and Disaster Management Department of the Government of Odisha has been mainly dealing with matters related to land.


Our vision is of a self-reliant society in which people have equitable access to resources and institutions are an expression of people’s needs and aspirations.

Our mission is to support civic agency through catalytic interventions aimed at achieving systemic change in good local governance and sustainable human settlement development.

Legal Resources Centre



The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) is South Africa’s largest public interest, human rights law clinic. Established in 1979, we use the law as an instrument of justice for the vulnerable and marginalised, including poor, homeless and landless people.

Ministério das Cidades (Brazil)

O Ministério das Cidades é um ministério brasileiro criado em 1 de janeiro de 2003 com os objetivos de combater as desigualdades sociais, transformar as cidades em espaços mais humanizados e ampliar o acesso da população a moradia, saneamento e transporte.

Habitat para Humanidade Brasil

Habitat para a Humanidade Brasil (HPH Brasil) é uma organização não-governamental, sem fins lucrativos, que tem como causa a promoção da moradia como um direito humano fundamental e como meta a eliminação de todas as formas de moradia inadequada. HPH Brasil faz parte da rede internacional Habitat for Humanity (HFH), presente em mais de 90 países.

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