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Handshake, No. 14 (July 2014)

July, 2015

This issue of Handshake focuses on
natural resource PPPs that are making a difference. In
Cartagena, Colombia, a hybrid public-private agency is
profiled that has standardized water service to residents
while restoring the coast, and in the process, contributed
to political stabilization. Around Africas Lake Victoria, an
environmental management initiative with the potential to
reduce the pollution and resource footprint of industrial

Cooperative Behavior and Common Pool Resources

July, 2015

This paper examines whether cooperative
behavior by respondents measured as contributions in a
one-shot public goods game correlates with reported
pro-forest collective action behaviors. All the outcomes
analyzed are costly in terms of time, land, or money. The
study finds significant evidence that more cooperative
individuals (or those who believe their group members will
cooperate) engage in collective action behaviors that

One District-One Agri-Park implementation in context of Rural Economic Transformation Model

Legislation & Policies
June, 2015
South Africa

The Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) jointly presented on the implementation of the One District, One Agri-Park programme in the context of the framework of the rural economic transformation model.

Land and Seed Laws under Attack. Who is pushing changes in Africa?

Reports & Research
January, 2015

The lobby to industrialise food production in Africa is changing seed and land laws across the continent to serve agribusiness corporations. The end goal is to turn what has long been held as a commons into a marketable commodity that the private sector can control and extract profit from at the expense of smallholder farmers and communities. This survey aims to provide an overview of just who is pushing for which specific changes in these areas – looking not at the plans and projects, but at the actual texts that will define the new rules.

Land laws amendment bills: a practitioner’s perspective on the land bills

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2014

The first set of the land laws were enacted in 2012 in line with the timelines outlined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010. In keeping with the spirit of the constitution, the Land Act, Land Registration Act and the national Land Commission Act respond to the requirements of Articles 60, 61, 62, 67 & 68 of the Constitution. The National Land Policy, which was passed as Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2009, arrived earlier than the Constitution, with some radical proposals on the land Management.

Scaling Land Based Social Enterprises: Thought Guide

Manuals & Guidelines
July, 2014
United Kingdom

This publication explores what scaling ‘well’ means for social innovators. It is based on our research into how social innovations across a range of sectors have approached the challenge of scaling up. It supports our Scaling Land Based Social Enterprise : Decision Making Toolkit. This work was funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

Remembering Elinor Ostrom

Reports & Research
March, 2014

This special issue of Policy Matters focuses on the outreach and impact of Dr. Elinor Ostrom's groundbreaking research on common property (or commons) theory. Her work was instrumental in shaping contemporary analyses of resource management and conservation, especially at a local level. This collection of research papers, essays, commentaries, and songs build upon her work and provide case studies demonstrating the practical application of her theoretical contributions. 

India’s Forest and Common Lands

Policy Papers & Briefs
September, 2013

A major gap in understanding the situation in India with respect to land and its control is the takeover of common lands, which rarely figures in discourses on land. The Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development (SPWD, New Delhi) and RRI commissioned case studies on the takeover of common lands in India in an attempt to fill this gap. This paper is a compilation of those studies. Based on these case studies, an international conference was held in December 2012 to reflect the current situation and discuss possible policy actions.

Securing Africa's Land for Shared Prosperity : A Program to Scale Up Reforms and Investments

June, 2013

This is covers land administration and
reform in Sub-Saharan Africa, and is highly relevant to all
developing countries around the world. It provides simple
practical steps to turn the hugely controversial subject of
"land grabs" into a development opportunity by
improving land governance to reduce the risks of
dispossessing poor landholders while ensuring mutually
beneficial investors' deals. This book shows how Sub

Land Titles, Investment, and Agricultural Productivity in Madagascar : A Poverty and Social Impact Analysis

March, 2013

This report examines the question of
land titling in Madagascar, a country where modern and
informal tenure systems coexist and overlap to a significant
extent. The report reviews three main arguments for land
titling and their relevance for Madagascar in order to
provide policy implications and evaluations. The first is
that land titling serves as protection against
expropriation. Second, titles may also facilitate land

Understanding Resilience in Mongolian Pastoral Social-ecological Systems : Adapting to Disaster Before, During and After 2010 Dzud--Year 1 Report

March, 2013

This study reports on in-depth case
studies of dzud (extreme cold weather during winter,
subsequent to a very dry summer) impacts and responses.
Focus groups, key informant interviews, a household survey,
and photovoice, were used to document individual and
community experiences with dzud, and identify the factors
that make some households and communities more vulnerable,
and some less vulnerable, to the impacts of dzud, and the

Impact of climate and land use changes on water and food security in Jordan: implications for transcending 'the tragedy of the commons'

December, 2012

Jordan is dominated by arid climate with limited arable land and water resources. This study focuses on crop production and water resources under trends of anticipated climate change and population growth to analyse how these affect water and food security in the country. It finds that recession of irrigated areas led to lesser food production and food security. Results indicate that climate change and population growth increase and intensify problems of water scarcity and food insecurity.