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Strengthening Adaptive Capacity of Extensive Livestock Systems for Food and Nutrition Security and Low-emissions Development in Eastern and Southern Africa

December, 2021

Livestock production is a major livelihood in many parts of Africa, providing multiple benefits and uses that include milk, meat, payment of dowry, measure of wealth, draft power among others. In particular, extensive livestock systems support most of Africa’s livestock population, with 63%, 82% and 70% of the continent’s cattle, sheep and goats, respectively. Mostly, they are raised in climate-sensitive arid and semi-arid areas of Africa in subsistence level rain-fed systems.

Women’s resilience and participation in climate governance in the agri-food sector: A strategic review of public policies

December, 2021

The primary objective of this working paper is to review literature (i.e., peer-reviewed and grey) on the extent to which women’s full and effective participation in climate change policies at different scales; defined at the level at which a policy is implemented, including macro, meso and micro; improve women’s resilience to climate change and environmental hazards.

Strengthening multi-stakeholders innovations platforms in Mali

December, 2021

Most of the smallholder farmers in Mali are confronted with multifaceted challenges, which include low productivity, post-harvest crop losses, underdeveloped markets, vulnerability to climate change, and gender inequality affecting the distribution of resources. These problems require interventions such as institutional reforms that facilitate efficient rural service delivery, development of markets, creation of physical infrastructure, and supportive government policies while ensuring a stable and conducive political environment.

Vision Pastoralist for Youth 2026 - Future of pastoralism in the face of climate change: Consultation outcome document, Kenya, 27-29 September 2022

December, 2021

Traditional pastoralism is a unique and resilient system for ensuring adaptation to climate change. This adaptation is particularly important to deal with a dynamic process of unpredictable climate variability and permanent human interactions in dryland ecosystems in Africa. It is considered of fundamental importance to ensure the application of innovative techniques and mechanisms to deal with these changes, and that these technologies are strategically integrated into community social structures and resource management value systems.

Zambia: ClimBeR Inception Workshop Report

December, 2021

The CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience, ClimBeR, aims to transform the climate adaptation capacity of food, land, and water systems in Zambia and five other low- and middle-income countries, ultimately increasing the resilience of smallholder production systems to withstand severe climate change effects like drought, flooding, and high temperatures.  

Adaptive Social Protection: An Integrated Approach to Development

December, 2021

The International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) in collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), developed discussion briefs that would further enhance the knowledge of ClimBeR’s stakeholders on resilience, inclusiveness and women empowerment in climate change adaptation in the Philippines. This brief discusses social equity in the context of adaptive social protection.

Strengthening Food Systems Resilience and Agricultural Trade in Southern Africa

December, 2021

Climate change and its impact on agricultural production and productivity is a major factor of concern in the agricultural sector. Many indicators point to the significant depressing role that climate change has on the agricultural sector, spanning from production to marketing of the primary and secondary products. Women and youth comprise most of the rural population in the

Diversity for Restoration (D4R): guiding the selection of tree species and seed sources for climate-resilient restoration of tropical forest landscapes

December, 2021

At the start of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030), the restoration of degraded ecosystems is more than ever a global priority. Tree planting will make up a large share of the ambitious restoration commitments made by countries around the world, but careful planning is needed to select species and seed sources that are suitably adapted to present and future restoration site conditions and that meet the restoration objectives.

Facilitating livelihoods diversification through flood-based land restoration in pastoral systems of Afar, Ethiopia

December, 2021

The pastoral systems of Eastern Africa have been affected by the alternated incidence of recurrent drought and flood for the last decades, aggravating poverty and local conflicts. We have introduced an innovation to convert floods to productive use using water spreading weirs (WSW) as an entry point to capture and spread the torrential flood emerging in the neighbouring highlands into rangelands and crop fields of low-lying pastoral systems in Afar, Ethiopia.

Principles for socially inclusive digital tools for smallholder farmers: A guide

December, 2021

The digital ecosystem and its actors have increasing influence over how food is produced, what food people buy, and the flow of information among farmers, supply chain actors, and consumers. Efforts to transform food systems towards sustainability, including climate change resilience and mitigation, similarly rely on digital resources and offer the opportunity to scale up best practices rapidly at low cost.