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Heterologous expression of the Haynaldia villosa pattern-recognition receptor CERK1-V in wheat increases resistance to three fungal diseases

December, 2021

Wheat production is under continuous threat by various fungal pathogens. Identification of multiple-disease resistance genes may lead to effective disease control via the development of cultivars with broad-spectrum resistance. Plant Lysin-motif (LysM)-type pattern-recognition receptors, which elicit innate immunity by recognizing fungal pathogen associated molecular patterns such as chitin, are potential candidates for such resistance. In this study, we cloned a LysM receptor-like kinase gene, CERK1-V, from the diploid wheat relative Haynaldia villosa.

Receptor-like Kinases (LRR-RLKs) in response of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses

December, 2021

Plants live under different biotic and abiotic stress conditions, and, to cope with the adversity and severity, plants have well-developed resistance mechanisms. The mechanism starts with perception of the stimuli followed by molecular, biochemical, and physiological adaptive measures. The family of LRR-RLKs (leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases) is one such group that perceives biotic and abiotic stimuli and also plays important roles in different biological processes of development.

Senegal: ClimBeR Inception Workshop Report

December, 2021

The CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience, ClimBeR, aims to transform the climate adaptation capacity of food, land, and water systems in Senegal and five other countries (Kenya, Zambia, Morocco, Philippines, Guatemala), ultimately increasing the resilience of smallholder production systems to withstand severe climate change effects like drought, flooding, and high temperatures.

Kenya: ClimBeR Inception Workshop Report

December, 2021

The CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience, ClimBeR, aims to transform the climate adaptation capacity of food, land, and water systems in Kenya and five other countries, ultimately increasing the resilience of smallholder production systems to withstand severe climate change effects like drought, flooding, and high temperatures.

A Scalable and Participatory Sustainable Rangeland Management toolkit with a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitate degraded rangelands

December, 2021

Rangelands contribute significantly toward improving livelihoods, offering food security, trade, and tourism for pastoral communities. Numerous challenges include poor government policies, loss of indigenous knowledge, and top-down approaches toward sustainable rangeland rehabilitation that often fail to consider local development adoption and sustainability. In such situations, effective management is needed for sustainable rangeland ecosystem goods and services in a context characterized by rainfall unreliability, poor soil nutrient status, and high uncontrolled grazing.

Ten new insights in climate science 2022

December, 2021

Non-technical summary:
We summarize what we assess as the past year's most important findings within climate change research: limits to adaptation, vulnerability hotspots, new threats coming from the climate–health nexus, climate (im)mobility and security, sustainable practices for land use and finance, losses and damages, inclusive societal climate decisions and ways to overcome structural barriers to accelerate mitigation and limit global warming to below 2°C.
Technical summary:

Mapping Policymaker Perspectives Of The Climate Security- Migration Nexus In Nigeria: A Social Media Analysis

December, 2021

Despite growing attention around the climate security-migration nexus, the linkages between climate change, migration, and conflict and security risks have remained a matter of debate for research, policy, and practice. Attempts at gathering empirical evidence on this nexus, as well as global level policy instruments, have mainly focused on international contexts. At national and sub-national scales, interest and awareness around this nexus has yet to be reflected in the policy arena.

Expanding Opportunities: A Framework for Gender and Socially-Inclusive Climate Resilient Agriculture

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2021

Limiting global warming to the 2°C target that countries have committed to in the 2015 Paris Agreement, and reaching the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, will require large-scale expansion of climate-resilient approaches in agriculture and food systems. In order to achieve the scale of change required, coordinated action is needed from global to local levels, from research to policy and investment, and across private, public, and civil society sectors.

“Why would anyone leave?”: Development, overindebtedness, and migration in Guatemala

Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2021

Over the past two decades, policymakers have expressed considerable optimism about the capacity of international development to curb transnational migration, yet there is a dearth of research examining how and under what conditions development interventions impact migration decisions. Enlisting a case study approach in the Maya-K’iche’ community of Almolonga, this article examines divergent meanings and practices of “development” and its impact on the migratory aspirations and outcomes of Indigenous families in Guatemala.

Women claim their space in land governance

October, 2021

For the past few decades;efforts to strengthen women’s land rights in many sub-Saharan African countries have primarily focused on a single approach: systematic registration through individual/joint certification or titling. While registration – individually or with a spouse – may support tenure security in specific contexts;the sheer complexity of land governance practices and tenure arrangements across the continent (both formal and customary) often render an emphasis on systematic titling inadequate.

Adaptation and mitigation strategies; climate change and public infrastructures

Conference Papers & Reports
October, 2021
Sierra Leone

This paper focuses on mitigating strategies public infrastructures. It's comprises of fours (4) parts. The first part is the background/introduction that gives a comprehensive summary of the topic. The second part highlight experimental evidences from recent literature articles and publications on mitigating strategies and public infrastructures with special emphasis on public infrastructure exposure and vulnerability and the role of adaptive capacity in mitigating the impact of climate change on public infrastructures.