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A catástrofe climática e o ataque neoliberal à Índia rural

Reports & Research
September, 2019

O Censo Indiano de 2011 contabilizou 833 milhões de pessoas vivendo em áreas rurais, sendo agricultores cerca de 95,8 milhões. A Índia rural, nas últimas décadas, passa por uma grave crise agrária, como consequência da comercialização da agricultura, da dominação do setor por corporações multinacionais, dívidas enormes entre os pequenos agricultores e trabalhadores agrícolas. Há uma epidemia de suicídios, altas taxas de desnutrição e crises em cascata entre artesãos e mineiros, os outros trabalhadores de áreas rurais.

How can REDD+ promote and support social safeguards in national laws?

Reports & Research
September, 2019

In West and Central Africa, home to 25% of the world’s tropical forests, the climate challenge is set against the threat of deforestation. In light of this threat, national laws and regulations seek to protect, restore, and manage the use of these forests for national development.

International initiatives such as REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) have identified that strengthening national laws to improve forest governance is an important tool to strike a balance between protection of forests and national development.

Conflito de terras nos sertões de Angola um estudo de caso: a disputa pelas terras da Ilamba, século XVIII

Peer-reviewed publication
September, 2019

Este artigo analisa os conflitos de terra que decorreram da instalação de uma fábrica de ferro na região da Ilamba, no interior de Angola, na segunda metade do século XVIII. A desapropriação das terras africanas, na África Centro-Ocidental, em períodos anteriores ao século XIX, é uma temática pouco abordada pela historiografia.

Sécuriser les droits coutumiers : la clé d’une foresterie communautaire durable

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2019
Central African Republic

Les lois de la République du Congo et de la République centrafricaine (RCA) accordent une protection limitée aux communautés locales et populations autochtones (CLPA) en matière d’accès aux ressources foncières et forestières. Il arrive souvent que des concessions forestières chevauchent les territoires des CLPA et limitent leur accès aux terres et aux ressources. Cependant, les forêts communautaires gagnent progressivement du terrain dans la région.

Annual Report 2018

Reports & Research
July, 2019

We’re pleased to share the Land Portal Foundation's 2018 Annual Report. The report demonstrates how we are working to create a vibrant information ecosystem on land that contributes to better informed decisions and policy making on land throughout the world. This report showcases our efforts improve documentation, mapping and monitoring of land governance issues, to promote, inform and enrich global debate on key land issues and to raise awareness on open data principles to strengthen the flow of land governance information at all levels.

Combler le fossé de l’information : comment l’accès aux contrats fonciers peut servir les droits des communautés

Manuals & Guidelines
July, 2019

Date: Août 2019 

Source: FarmlandgrabCCSI

Note d’information pour les organisations de la société civile – Combler le fossé de l’information : comment l’accès aux contrats fonciers peut servir les droits des communautés

Consent is Everybody's Business: Why banks need to act on free, prior and informed consent

Reports & Research
July, 2019
South Africa
United States of America
Papua New Guinea

A community’s choice to give, or withhold, their free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) to a project or activity planned to take place on their land is a recognized right of Indigenous peoples under international law. It is also a best practice principle that applies to all communities affected by projects or activities on the land, water and forests that they rely on.

Dependência e expropriação estatal de terras no contexto neodesenvolvimentista/neoextrativista:

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2019
América do Sul

Com 1.121 desapropriações para a construção do mineroduto Minas-Rio e 1,5 mil famílias desapropriadas para a construção do Complexo Portuário do Açu, adicionando o impacto em sistemas aquáticos, com degradação, aumento da demanda, salinização e suspensão do abastecimento público por despejos de minério de ferro, esses grandes empreendimentos produzem efeitos socioambientais deletérios.

Secure Land Tenure Rights for All: Key Condition for Sustainable Development

Policy Papers & Briefs
June, 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean
Eastern Europe

The aim of this policy paper is to present successful approaches to secure land tenure rights in rural and urban areas. To support future programmatic decisions by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), this paper focusses especially on impacts and good practices. It discusses examples from the German technical cooperation but also includes good practices and impacts achieved by other development partners.

Village Land Management a few years on – what has changed?

Reports & Research
June, 2019

Since 2010, the GIZ Land Programme in Lao PDR has sought to improve the land tenure security of rural communities. The programme currently consists of three projects – the BMZ-commissioned Land Management and Decentralised Planning (LMDP) Project, the Enhanced Land Tenure Security (ELTeS) sub-project within a global programme on responsible land policy, as well as the German contribution to the Mekong River Land Governance (MRLG) Initiative.