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Law on Payments for Land.

Eastern Europe

This Law institutes a system of land taxation which shall apply to all landowners, land users, including lessees and landed proprietors. Land tax revenues shall be used to pursue the objectives of rational use of lands, land-use planning, improvement of land quality, conservation and social development. Tax rates are determined according to quality and location of land plots. Appendices 1 and 2 specify land tax rates for agricultural and urban lands respectively. No taxes will be charged on lands contaminated by radioactive materials, or on lands subject to agricultural use restrictions.

State Law No. 6.171 on the use, conservation and protection of agricultural land.

South America

This Law, composed of 17 articles, regulates the use, conservation and protection measures for agricultural land, considered as a common heritage. The Law defines agricultural land characteristics and planning requirements to be applied to both private and public agricultural properties. Moreover, it compels São Paulo’s Secretary of Agriculture to plan and implement the provisions set that shall turn compulsory within the following five years. Finally, the Law establishes the penalties for non compliance with its provisions.

Carib Reserve Act (Cap. 25:90).


This Act concerns the administration of an area of Dominica set apart under this Act as a reserve and known as the “Carib Reserve”. The Carib Reserve Council shall be constituted as a body corporate and shall be a local government body with the same powers as a Village Council. The Council may make By-laws for the administration of the area including such matters as drainage and sewerage, pollution control, the keeping of animals and the sale of food. The Authority may also establish public pounds and allot land for purposes of agricultural development.

Property Law.

South-Eastern Asia

The present Law distinguishes between five types of property:(1) State property, which includes "material and technical basis of the society under state control" and assets used in operations carried out by the state. According to article 4, paragraph 2, the state may grant the right to use natural resources (land, water, forests) to other organizations, economic units and individuals.

Law on land (No. 1-446).

Northern Europe

This Act lays down basic provisions on land tenure, both urban and rural. land can be owned only by Lithuanian citizens, or by the State (art. 3). Private ownership of land conveys certain standard rights and privileges, amounting to the free and unimpeded enjoyment and disposition of the owner's property (art. 7). Usufructury rights accrue to the leaseholders of private and State-owned land (art. 8).

Land Law, 1995.

Eastern Asia

A Law to regulate relations with regard to land possession and use by citizens, economic entities and organizations.The 60 articles of the Law are divided into 8 Chapters: General Provisions (1); Mongolian Land Unified Fund and its Basic Classification (2); Land for Special Needs (3); Power of State and Local Self-governing Organizations regarding Land Relations (4); Land Organization, Land Unified Fund Register and Report (5); Land Possession and Use (6); Efficient and Proper Land Use and Protection (7); Other Provisions (8)."All land within the state boundaries of Mongolia constitute the

Ordonnance nº 93-015 fixant les principes d'orientation du Code rural.

Western Africa

La présente ordonnance fixe les principes qui gouvernent l'utilisation des terres, de l'eau et des forêts dans les zones rurales. Par mesure de principe, l'ordonnance prévoit que les droits qui s'exercent sur les ressources naturelles bénéficient d'une égale protection, qu'ils résultent de la coutume ou du droit écrit.

Loi nº 90-29 relative à l'aménagement et l'urbanisme.

Northern Africa

Cette loi fixe les règles générales visant à organiser la production du sol urbanisable, la formation et la transformation du bâti dans le cadre d'une gestion économe des sols, de l'équilibre entre la fonction d'habitat, d'agriculture et d'industrie ainsi que de préservation de l'environnement, des milieux naturels, des paysages et du patrimoine culturel et historique.

Ley Nº 1.122 - Ley de protección, rehabilitación y posterior conservación de tierras erosionadas.

South America

La habilitación y rehabilitación de las tierras erosionadas y su posterior conservación, así como la protección de las tierras colindantes del peligro de la erosión, es una obligación imperativa de los habitantes del Departamento de Tarija. En particular los propietarios de tierras erosionadas o en peligro de erosión están obligados a ejecutar las obras necesarias para su rehabilitación y protección con sujeción a lo dispuesto por el Gobierno en el marco del Programa Ejecutivo de Rehabilitación de Tierras en el Departamento de Tarija.

Agricultural Small Tenancies Act, 1957 (Cap. 29).

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

This Act makes provision with respect to contracts relative to agricultural small tenancies. Section 8 concerns the termination of a contract of tenancy in the case of serious offence by the tenant against his or her duty to keep the land in good order. A tenant may assign, with the consent of the landlord, assign his interest in a registered land at any time to a person or persons (sect. 10). Sub-letting is prohibited. Rights of the landlord are set out in section 16. Part II deals with compensations for improvement.

Law of the Kirgiz SSR on Land Reform (No. 432-XII of 1991).

Central Asia

This Law regulates the public relations and legal and organizational issues related to the implementation of the land reform in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Land reform is carried out so as to provide for the redistribution of the land in order to create the necessary conditions for equal in rights development of various forms of economy on the land, the formation of versatile economy, for the determination of the rates of the fees for land, and the rational use and protection of the lands at the territory of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.