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Regulation concerning conditions and mode of properties exchange.

Eastern Europe

The present Regulation of the Minister of the Treasury, which is composed of 15 Paragraphs, establishes conditions and mode of entering into an agreement of properties exchange, so that farmers give their properties to the Treasury and get in return properties from the Resource of Agricultural Property of the Treasury. Mortgaged properties may not be exchanged.

Implements: Act on management of properties of the Treasury. (1991-10-19)

Decreto Nº 235 - Establece sistema de incentivos para la recuperación de suelos degradados.

South America

El presente Decreto tiene por objeto el sistema de incentivos a aplicarse, por un lapso de 10 años, al fin de estimular la ejecución de prácticas destinadas a la recuperación de suelos degradados. Se entenderá por suelos degradados aquellos que, por la carencia de fósforo, exceso de acidez, niveles de erosión, deterioro de la cubierta vegetal o por presentar otras limitaciones físicas, químicas o estructurales para su ocupación, no pueden ser utilizados eficientemente de modo sustentable en la producción agropecuaria.

Regulation on pastures.

Western Asia

The objective of this Regulation is to define the methods and principles of implementing Pasture Law No 4342. Pastures are classified by the principles of their vegetation quality as: “extremely good”; “good”; “medium” and “weak”. Grazing capacities are determined by the local branches of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Pastures can be leased to farmers involved in animal husbandry for a period of 25 years. These farmers are obliged to implement rehabilitation plans, management plans, and grazing plans prepared by the Ministry.

Decree No. 32/95 approving the implementing Regulation of Act No. 21-C/92 on ownership, concession and use of agricultural land.

Middle Africa

This Decree, composed of 4 articles and one Annex, approves the implementing Regulation of Act No. 21-C/92 on ownership, concession and use of agricultural land. The annexed Regulation, composed of 87 articles divided in 16 Chapters, defines the competences of all involved authorities, rules on rights and obligations under the concession regime, sets the guaranties and assurances for the State to creditors. Moreover, it regulates agricultural land property, transmission and rescission of land use right, land use restrictions, fiscal issues, registry procedures, fines and penalties.

Resolución Nº 3.266 - Operatoria para la aplicación del Decreto Nº 24 de 1997, Reglamento de ejecución del Plan para la recuperación de la productividad de suelos.

South America

La presente Resolución aprueba la operatoria para la provisión y aplicación de los incentivos que tendrán como propósito la recuperación de la productividad de los suelos, amparado en el Decreto Nº 24 del 8 de enero de 1997, cuyo ámbito de aplicación territorial comprende desde la V a XII regiones del país, incluida la Región Metropolitana.

Decreto Nº 466 - Modifica el Decreto Nº 24, Reglamento de ejecución del Plan para la recuperación de la productividad de suelos.

South America

El presente Decreto modifica el Decreto Nº 24 de 1997, entre otras cosas, sustituyendo la frase "Plan para la recuperación de la productividad de suelos" por "Programa para la recuperación de suelos degradados", en todas las citas que se hacen en el Reglamento a esa expresión. Asimismo, reemplaza el artículo 1º por el siguiente: "El Programa para la recuperación de suelos degradados de uso agropecuario del Ministerio de Agricultura, está integrado por los subprogramas de fertilización fosfatada, de enmiendas, de praderas, de conservación de suelos y de rehabilitación de suelos.

Décret nº 2000-963 relatif à la mise en oeuvre d'une aide à la transmission de l'exploitation agricole.

Western Europe

Les dispositions du point 1º de l'article R. 343-34 du Code rural sont modifiées comme suit: "1) Une aide à la transmission de l'exploitation agricole. Elle est attribuée, à sa demande, au chef d'exploitation, dont la succession familiale n'est pas assurée, qui transmet en priorité tout ou partie de son exploitation à un ou plusieurs jeunes agriculteurs qui s'installent dans les conditions d'octroi des aides à l'installation mentionnées à l'article R.* 343-3.

Implementation measures of the Sichuan Province on the "Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China".

Eastern Asia

These measures propose to strengthen land administration, the protection of land rights, and to improve utilisation of land in Sichuan. Chapter I provides for administration of land. The local government shall restrict conversion of land for agriculture to land for construction (art. 2). Chapter 2 concerns ownership of land and land use rights. The Province shall implement a land registration system in accordance with the Law (art. 6). Article 8 concerns the use of state owned land. The Forestry Law of the PRC shall regulate ownership or use of land for forestry.

Decreto Supremo Nº 010/00/MTC - Reglamento de formalización de la propiedad en programas de vivienda del Estado.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Reglamento de formalización de la propiedad en programas de vivienda del Estado que realiza la Comisión de Formalización de la Propiedad Informal (COFOPRI).

Implementa: Ley Nº 27046 - Ley complementaria de promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal. (1998-12-31)

Ministerial Decree No. 85167/820 approving a Code of Good Agricultural Practice.

Southern Europe

This Code of Good Agricultural Practice addresses issues related to the protection of waters affected by nitrate pollution deriving from agricultural sources. It is divided into four Parts as follows: the first Part (A) concerns fertilizers and aims at assisting farmers in implementing friendly practices towards the environment in a way that income by their crops may be secured and also that the environment can be protected. In particular it aims at avoiding pollution of underground and surface waters from the accumulation of nitrates through water infiltration or surface runoff.

Ministerial Joint Decree No. 19652/1906 on waters affected by nitrate pollution deriving from agricultural sources – Catalogue of vulnerable zones and amendment of Ministerial Decree No. 16190-1335 of 1997.

Southern Europe

Aim of this Decree is the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 4 to Ministerial Decree No. 16190/1335/1997, in compliance with the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 respectively of article 3 to Council Directive 91/676/EEC. It also aims at amending the above-mentioned Decree in such a way that the protection of waters can be effectively achieved: a) by identifying those water basins that are susceptible to nitrate pollution of agricultural origin and classify them as “vulnerable”, and b) by simplifying the procedures pursuant to article 5 of Decree No. 16190/1335/1997.

Ministerial Joint Decree No. 16190/1335 establishing protective measures for waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources, in compliance with Council Directive 91/676/EEC.

Southern Europe

The Decree aims at implementing the provisions of articles 10 and 11 (paragraph 3) of Law No. 1650/86 “on the protection for the environment”. It also aims at harmonizing the Greek legislative frame with the provisions of Council Directive 91/676/EEC for the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources, so as to ensure that appropriate measures are taken in order to reduce water pollution caused or induced by nitrates from agricultural sources, to prevent further pollution of this kind and to achieve a better environmental protection.