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Decree on agrochemical testing of soil and assessment of soil properties of forest lands.

Eastern Europe

This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is composed of nine articles and five Annexes, establishes provisions concerning sampling of soil as well as performance of agrochemical tests for assessing soil properties of forest lands. Annex 3 describes rules of chemical analysis of agricultural lands, whereas Annex 5 deals with chemical analysis of forest lands.

Implements: Fertilizers Act. (2000-03-17)

Order No. 33 of the State Committee on Land Resources validating the Regulation on land valuation.

Central Asia

This Order establishes the modalities of organization and carrying out land valuation activity, legalization of outcome thereof and access to information on land valuation. Land valuation shall be considered inventory of land areas in accordance with soil quality for subsequent cost valuation of agricultural land, land survey and stimulation of rational and efficient land management. Object of land valuation shall the plots of land with the defined legal status as established in land cadastre. Subject of land valuation shall be landowners, tenants and lease holders of agricultural land.

Regulation on the order of transfer of lands from one category into another and the transfer of less productive lands into unproductive.

Central Asia

This Regulation establishes principles and procedural rules relative to the transfer of land from its assigned category to another category. The transfer is carried out by district executive committees and the Cabinet in accordance with the Land Code. The Regulations sets out the conditions under which transfer of irrigated land, arable land, plantations, etc. into another (specified) category may take place. Applications shall be made to the commissions of the district executive committees. Decisions are taken by various district or regional authorities.

Décret nº 2-98-14 modifiant et complétant le décret nº 2-62-240 portant application du dahir relatif au remembrement rural.

Northern Africa

Ce décret modifie et complète le titre II du dahir nº 2-62-240 relativement aux annulations des avis de dépôt des états et du plan parcellaire, en cas d'interruption du projet de remembrement, ou des réquisitions d'immatriculation lorsque le projet est repris.

Modifie: Décret nº 2-62-240 portant application du dahir relatif au remembrement rural. (1962-07-25)

Decreto Nº 879 - Reglamenta las disposiciones referentes al ordenamiento del territorio municipal y distrital y a los planes de ordenamiento territorial.

South America

El presente Decreto establece la obligatoriedad de los planes de ordenamiento territorial, disponiendo que corresponde a todas las administraciones municipales y distritales formular y adoptar su plan de ordenamiento territorial.

Resolution No. 221 of 1997 implemeting the general principles and orientations for dispute settlement of the agricultural lands in the southern Provinces.

Western Asia

This Resolution is composed of 11 articles. The High Committee for Agricultural Dispute-Settlement established by Cabinet Resolution No. 49 of 1990 shall carry out the implementation of this Resolution (art. 1).

Decree of 28 September 1999 declaring of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the rural property “Volta Cariacá” in the State of Bahia.

South America

This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the rural property "Volta Cariacá” in the Municipality of Bom Jesus da Lapa, Bahia State. The Decree establishes the competence of the National Institute for the Agriculture Reform (INCRA) to promote and supervise the expropriation of the aforementioned rural lands.

Decreto Nº 23.214/MAG/MIRENEM - Metodología para la determinación de la capacidad de uso de las tierras.

Costa Rica
Central America

El presente Decreto, que consta de 13 artículos, establece la Metodología para la determinación de la capacidad de uso de las tierras de Costa Rica, que es de aplicación obligatoria en la elaboración de todas las estrategias, políticas, proyectos, programas, planes y ejecución de actividades específicas que se lleven a cabo en el territorio nacional por instituciones nacionales e internacionales de carácter público o privado. Se crea un comité de coordinación con el objeto de poder dar un seguimiento, evaluación, modificación y actualización a la presente metodología.

Decree No. 515 of 1995 establishing rules relative to land lease 1995.

Western Europe

Decree regulating the rent for the lease of agricultural land. The Decree seeks to re-establish a balance between interests of the lessee and those of the lessor. Owners of agricultural land who give the land in lease may obtain a net gain of 2 percent of the free market value of land free of lease excluded costs which are to be bared by the landowner. Article 1 defines "free market value" as the price for the land in agricultural use but free of lease which results from reasonable negotiation between buyer and seller on the market.

Règlement grand-ducal déclarant obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global "Haff Réimech".

Western Europe

Ce règlement déclare obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global "Haff-Réimech. Ce plan comprend parmi d'autres la zone protégée des réserves naturelles du "Baggerweieren" et la zone viticole et agricole. La première est destinée à garantir la protection d'espèces rares de la faune et de la flore et la dernière est destinée à l'exercice de la viticulture et de l'agriculture. En plus, tous les travaux viticoles et agricoles usuels peuvent y être exécutés. Le règlement comprend 17 articles.

Décret nº 97-054/PRES/PM/MEF portant conditions et modalités d'application de la loi sur la Réorganisation Agraire et Foncière au Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Ce décret détermine les conditions et les modalités d'application de la loi n° 014/96/ADP du 23 mai 1996 portant réorganisation agraire et foncière au Burkina Faso. Il est formé par 512 articles répartis en 5 parties: ....(I); Gestion du domaine foncier national (II); Réglementation des droits réels immobiliers (III); Dispositions transitoires (IV) et dispositions finales (V).