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Joint Official Letter of State Committee of Ecology and Natural Resources No.04-19-13/1914, of State Committee of Water Resources attached to the Government No.1-2-82/9, of State Committee on Land Policy No.5-16/1489 regarding allotment of the plots of...

Eastern Europe

In connection with carrying into effect of the Ministerial Decree No.110 of 1991 regarding allotment to the citizens of the plots of land for gardening, truck-farming and stock-breeding purposes the allotment of the plots of land for individual housing, gardening, truck-farming and subsidiary small-holding in the water protection zones of rivers, lakes and storage ponds has become a mass phenomenon.

Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional state Rural Land Administration and Utilization Proclamation (No. 110/2007).

Eastern Africa

This Proclamation aims at improving management and utilization of land and land resources for agricultural purposes in the Southern Nations, Nationalities And Peoples' Regional State. It applies to all land that lies outside of municipal borders. The Proclamation defines the right to acquire, free of charge, rural land by peasants, pastoralists and semi-pastoralists engaged in agriculture and the equal rights of women with respect to land and provides for the protection of such rights.

Loi concernant l'aménagement du territoire.

Western Europe

L'aménagement du territoire poursuit le développement du territoire national en respectant les particularités et les ressources propres des diverses régions qui le composent. Il a pour objectif d'assurer aux habitants du pays des conditions de vie optimales par une mise en valeur harmonieuse et un développement durable de ses régions en valorisant leurs resssources respectives et en maintenant un équilibre structurel et économique entre elles.

Décret exécutif n° 12-83 du 27 Rabie El Aouel 1433 correspondant au 20 février 2012 modifiant et complétant le décret exécutif nº 97-484 fixant la composition de l'organe ad hoc ainsi que la procédure de mise en oeuvre de la constatation de la non expl...

Northern Africa

Le présent décret modifie la composition de l'organe ad hoc ainsi que la procédure de mise en oeuvre de la constatation de la non exploitation des terres agricoles. La commission constate l’état de non exploitation des terres agricoles sur la base d’enquêtes menées: à l’initiative de ses membres; par les services agricoles; par l’office national des terres agricoles; sur saisine de toute personne.

Decreto Supremo Nº 28.736 - Declara de emergencia nacional la conclusión del proceso de saneamiento de la propiedad agraria.

South America

El presente Decreto declara de emergencia nacional la conclusión del proceso de saneamiento de la propiedad agraria previsto por la Ley Nº 1.715, garantizando la participación de las organizaciones sociales y de productores (art. 2º), así como de las mujeres (art. 3º). Por saneamiento de la propiedad agraria se entiende el procedimiento técnico jurídico destinado a la regularización y perfeccionamiento del derecho propietario.

Regional Law No. 1216-ZZK amending Regional Law No. 303-ZZK “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

Article 5 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Plots of agricultural land out of stock of public or municipal land shall be allotted to citizens in accordance with the modalities set forth by Land Code of the Russian Federation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 303-ZZK “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2009-12-18)

Notification of farming units offered for allotment: Agricultural (Commercial) Land Reform Act, 1995 (No. 23 of 2015).

Southern Africa

This Notification made by the Minister of Lands and Resettlement in terms of section 39 of the Agricultural (Commercial) Land Reform Act, 1995, sets out number, location and description of farming units offered for allotment and invites, applications for the allotment of the farming units offered for allotment. Applications must be made in the manner stated in the Schedule. The Notice sets out minimum qualifications required to qualify of applicants.

Acuerdo Nº 160 - Programa Sistema Nacional de Gestión e Información de Tierras Rurales (SIGTIERRAS).

South America

El presente Acuerdo encarga a la Unidad Ejecutora MAGAP - PRAT, la ejecución del Programa Sistema Nacional de Gestión e Información de Tierras Rurales (SIGTIERRAS), en los ámbitos técnico, administrativo, financiero, de gestión y control.

Implementado por: Acuerdo Nº 61 - Instructivo para la elaboración y aplicación del proceso de valoración de tierras requerida por la Unidad Ejecutora MAGAP – PRAT. (2009-04-23)
Implementa: Decreto Nº 1.092 - Reglamento para la aplicación del impuesto a las tierras rurales. (2008-05-18)

Decree No. 362 of the Cabinet of Ministers “On arrangements for optimization of dimensions of land plots allotted for farming”.

Central Asia

The Premier decrees that beginning from 1 January 2016 allotment of land plots for farming and expropriation thereof shall be performed by decision of local government in accordance with the opinions expressed by territorial councils of farmers and commissions for examination of applications for allotment of land plots for farming.