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Regional Law No. 52-OD “On ensuring fertility of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

The scope of this Regional Law shall be to ensure fertility of agricultural land by owners, landlords, land tenants and leaseholders. The main arrangements for ensuring soil fertility shall be: (a) elaboration and realization of regional programs; (b) soil, agrochemical, phytosanitary, ecological and toxicological inspection; (c) investments in soil conservation and reproduction; and (d) improvement of soil quality and fertility.

Decreto Nº 288 - Modifica el Decreto Nº 507, Reglamento del Sistema de incentivos para la recuperación de suelos degradados.

South America

El presente Decreto modifica el Reglamento del Sistema de incentivos para la recuperación de suelos degradados, en lo relacionado con el porcentaje de las bonificaciones de los predios ubicados en algunas regiones determinadas.

Enmienda: Decreto Nº 507 - Reglamenta el Decreto con fuerza de Ley Nº 235, que establece un Sistema de incentivos para la recuperación de suelos degradados. (1999-12-20)

Regional Law No. 2158-OZ amending Regional Law No. 976-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

Article 3 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Minimum land area of consolidated agricultural land plot shall be 1 ha, if not otherwise envisaged by acting federal legislation and by this Regional Law”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 976-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2009-05-04)

Regional Law No. 642-5-ZKO amending Regional Law No. 68-ZKO “On delimitation of plenary powers between state regional bodies in the sphere of land relations”.

Eastern Europe

Article 3 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Legislative Assembly shall be responsible for establishment of maximum and minimum land areas out of stock of public or municipal land that can be allotted to citizens for farming”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 68-ZKO “On delimitation of plenary powers between state regional bodies in the sphere of land relations”. (2009-04-13)

Decreto Supremo Nº 007/08/VIVIENDA - Reglamento de la Ley Nº 29.151, Ley general del Sistema Nacional de Bienes Estatales.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Reglamento de la Ley general del Sistema Nacional de Bienes Estatales, que tiene por objeto reglamentar la Ley cuyo ente rector es la Superintendencia Nacional de Bienes Estatales, y desarrollar los mecanismos y procedimientos que permitan una eficiente gestión de los bienes estatales, maximizando su rendimiento económico y social, sostenido en una plataforma de información segura, confiable e interconectada, contribuyendo al proceso de descentralización y modernización de la gestión del Estado.

Decree by the Council of Ministers No. 2014/7089 amending the Decree by the Council of Ministers No. 2009/15173 on the determination of farmlands.

Western Asia

This Decree by the Council of Ministers makes minor amendments in Article 1 of the Decree No 2009/15173 by changing the name of the ‘Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs’ to the ‘Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock’. The Decree further makes changes in the annex 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25 and 29 providing for the designated regions of agricultural lands.

Implements: Agriculture Law No.5488. (2006-04-18)
Amends: Decree by the Council of Ministers on the determination of farmlands No. 2009/15173. (2009-06-29)

Joint Decree No. 2 of 1985 of the Ministry of Health and of the Ministry of Construction and Town-planning on the rules of public hygiene of storage, neutralisation and utilisation of liquid urban wastes.

Eastern Europe

Sanitary and other conditions of storage, neutralisation and utilisation of liquid urban wastes are determined in the Annex to this Decree. Technological instructions regarding the operation of neutralisation plants must be presented for approval to the territorially competent inspector of the National Public Health and Epidemics Service and to the Environmental Protection Authority. Part Three of the Annex permits explicitly the utilisation of neutralised wastes for soil improvement.

Regional Law No. 192-ZO on size ceilings of the plots of land that can simultaneously pertain to private property and (or) on other conditions to the citizens engaged in subsidiary small-holding, and state support of citizens engaged in subsidiary smal...

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that size ceilings of the plots of land that can simultaneously pertain to private property of the citizens engaged in subsidiary small-holding are limited to 5 hectares. Utmost (maximum and minimum) size ceilings of the plots of land conceded to the citizens out of the stock of public or municipal land for subsidiary small-holding is established by the legal acts of the local self-government.

Resolución Nº 217/09/SERNANP - Limitaciones al derecho de propiedad de los predios ubicados en áreas naturales protegidas para su oponibilidad a terceros.

South America

La presente Resolución precisa que no requieren inscribirse en los Registros Públicos las limitaciones al derecho de propiedad de los predios ubicados en Áreas Naturales Protegidas (ANP), para su oponibilidad a terceros, salvo que el dispositivo legal que lo establezca lo ordene expresamente.

Revoca: Resolución Nº 101-2008-INRENA ─ Procedimiento para edificación y/o modificación de infraestructura en predios de particulares ubicados al interior de áreas naturales protegidas de carácter nacional. (2008-05-05)

Décret sur l’application des méthodes culturales préservant le sol agricole.

Western Europe

L’article 1er du présent décret établit que l’Etat peut encourager l’application des méthodes culturales préservant le sol agricole par des aides financières. Les méthodes culturales sont: a) le semis direct; b) le semis en bande fraisée; c) le semis direct sous litière; d) la mise en place et le maintien de la bande herbeuse, aussi longtemps qu’elle ne constitue pas un élément des paiements directs de la Confédération. Le texte comprend 8 articles.

Abrogé par: Loi sur l’agriculture (LAgri). (2006-10-03)