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Jeunes pasteurs en ville – Perceptions, dispositifs et stratégies d’action publique au Burkina Faso

Reports & Research
November, 2020
Sahara occidental
Burkina Faso

Dans le contexte sahélien, depuis la fin des années 2010 des discours normatifs sur la jeunesse et le pastoralisme se sont développés, trop souvent basés sur des catégories standards impropres à décrire les réalités locales et associées dans une chaine de causalité trompeuse: désœuvrement des jeunes, migrations, participation aux violences armées, conflits violents catégorisés de manière simpliste comme ethniques et socioprofessionnels, économie criminelle, dégradation des ressources, changement climatique.Il y a un paradoxe entre le développement de ces discours généraux et le manque de do

Réformer le foncier au Cameroun : des pistes pour l’action - Note de politique foncière de la société civile

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2020

Le Cameroun s’est engagé dans un processus de réforme juridique dans les principaux secteurs des ressources naturelles (forêts, mines, terres). Exprimant la position d’un groupe d’organisations et de citoyens intéressés par la gestion de la terre au Cameroun, ce document s’appuie sur les leçons apprises de quarante-cinq années de gestion foncière, depuis la dernière grande réforme de 1974, et sur les développements nouveaux dans ce domaine. Il est inspiré des propositions formulées par la société civile à l’attention de l’administration foncière, et de textes internationaux.

Reviewing the role of women pastoralist in conflicts in the Horn of Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2020
Central African Republic

The Horn of Africa has seen its fair share of natural resource conflicts among and between competing pastoralists communities. The conflicts hitherto associated with men, ignored women pastoralists’ role in the same conflict. Using an existing data and an open-ended qualitative approach the study sought answers on the role of women pastoralists in conflict in the horn of Africa. Results show that women have a hand in conflict either by offering active or passive support. The review takes note that women’s involvement in conflict has evolved to peace-building.

Translation of Global Climate Change Discourses to the Local Policies, and the Resilience of Pastoralists

Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2020

The paper focused on the need to document impacts of the global climate discourses at the local levels. In addition, it sought to fill the lacuna on the translation of discourses insofar as pastoralists land rights’ and adaptation are concerned, while looking at translation and implementation of these discourses. Theoretically, the paper employed the Actor-Network-Theory where civil society organizations are hinged around key actors in formulating Kenya climate law.

Dryland restoration successes in the Sahel and Greater Horn of Africa show how to increase scale and impact. Restoring African Drylands

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2020
South Sudan
Central African Republic
Burkina Faso

Drylands occupy more than 40% of the world’s land area and are home to some two billion people. This includes a disproportionate number of the world’s poorest people, who live in degraded and severely degraded landscapes. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification states on its website that 12 million hectares are lost annually to desertification and drought, and that more than 1.5 billion people are directly dependent on land that is being degraded, leading to US$42 billion in lost earnings each year.

Improving international soil governance – Analysis and recommendations. Final report

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2020

This study develops options for the German government to improve international soil governance in the short, medium and long term. The study first takes stock of existing international instruments and institutions that are relevant for soil protection and its governance at the international level. It as-sesses the actual and potential steering effect of, inter alia, the Desertification Convention, the Biodiversity Convention, the Paris Agreement and climate regime, regional treaties, FAO, UNEP, IPBES and IPCC.

Reversing Land Degradation in Drylands: The Case for Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) in the Upper West Region of Ghana.

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2020

The Lawra district of the Upper West region was selected as the case study. This study compared crop yields for FMNR and non-FMNR farmers. FMNR farmers are classified as having at least 8 trees per acre, with an average of 13 trees per acre (33 per ha) and a maximum of 40. Non-FMNR farmers are classified as having between 1 and 7 trees per acre, with an average of 5.Qualitative (focus group discussion) and quantitative (household survey) data were collected in April to May 2019. Over 500 households were interviewed in both CIKOD intervention communities and control sites.

Changes in Livestock Grazing Efficiency Incorporating Grassland Productivity: The Case of Hulun Buir, China

Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2020
United States of America

Recently, improving technical efficiency is an effective way to enhance the quality of grass-based livestock husbandry production and promote an increase in the income of herdsmen, especially in the background of a continuing intensification of climate change processes.

The Effect of Grazing on the Temperature Regime of the Alas Soils of Central Yakutia

Peer-reviewed publication
September, 2020

There are numerous studies on the effect of grazing on the physical and chemical parameters of soils. However, the impact of grazing on the temperature regime of the alas soils in Central Yakutia is still poorly understood. This paper presents the results of long-term observations of the state of the soil-and-plant cover of thermokarst basins—i.e., alases—located in the Lena-Amga interfluve and actively used as pastureland.

‘Mind the Gap’: Reconnecting Local Actions and Multi-Level Policies to Bridge the Governance Gap. An Example of Soil Erosion Action from East Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
September, 2020

Achieving change to address soil erosion has been a global yet elusive goal for decades. Efforts to implement effective solutions have often fallen short due to a lack of sustained, context-appropriate and multi-disciplinary engagement with the problem.

Farmer-herder conflict in sub-Saharan Africa?

Reports & Research
September, 2020

This report responds to heightened concerns over rising levels of farmer-herder conflict across a wide band of semi-arid Africa. We assess the quantitative evidence behind this general impression and review the explanations in the scientific literature, in the light of known issues with long-standing attitudes towards pastoralism and mobile populations. Looking at the data available, we find that total levels of all forms of violence have been rising in the last ten years — especially in some countries in West and Central Africa.