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Unit Titles Act (No. 17 of 2005).

Cook Islands

This Act concerns the subdivision of land into units, the establishment of rights relating to such units and provides rules relative to unit titles."Unit"- means a part of the land that is designed for separate ownership. The subdivision of land into units shall be effected by confirmation of the Court of a plan describing the units in their relation to a building or buildings already erected on the land.

Unit Titles Act.


This Act provides for the subdivision of land by units plans, their registration and the management of units plans by owners corporations.

Implemented by: Unit Titles Regulation . (2007-05-17)

Land Code (No.442-II ZRK of 2003).

Central Asia

The stock of land in accordance with its destination is subdivided into the following categories: 1) agricultural land; 2) urban land; 3) industrial land; 4) land of protected areas; 5) forest land; 6) water land; 7) reserve land. The document consists of 5 Sections composed of 21 Chapters that contain 170 articles. Section 1 (Chapters 1-2) lays down general provisions. Chapter 1 (arts. 1-12) lays down general provisions. Chapter 2 (arts. 13-19) establishes competence of state institutions in the field of land relations.

Partition Act (Cap. 08.16).


This Act concerns partition of all lands the subject of any co-tenancy, whether held or acquired before or after its passing. All joint tenants and tenants in common of any estate on which they have specified rights may be compelled in manner provided for in this Act to make severance and partition between them of all such lands respectively. A Court may order partition on application The Court may also order sale of the land concerned. A motion for partition shall include a motion for sale and distribution of the proceeds, and vice versa.

Loi organique de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme.

Western Europe

Cette loi porte le régime général de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme. Le titre I, relatif à l'aménagement du territoire, porte les dispositions concernant les plans régionaux, les plans de secteur, les plans communaux, les expropriations et indemnités, le remembrement et le relotissement. Le titre II est relatif au permis de bâtir et ses dispositions concernent la délivrance du permis, l'introduction et l'instruction des demandes et des recours. Le titre III est relatif au permis de lotir.

Act on Special Cases Concerning the Partition of Co-owned Lands.

Republic of Korea
Eastern Asia

This Act sets out the conditions and procedures for the partition of land held by more than one tenant.The partition of the co-owned land shall be made on the basis of a current state of occupation by each co-owner. The Act provides for the establishment of the Co-owned Land Partition Committee and for its composition and functions. The Committee shall make a fair deliberation and resolution on the matters concerning partitions of co-owned land.

Registered Land Law (2004 Revision).

Cayman Islands

This Law makes provision with respect to registration of title in land and effects of registration and provides for a wide variety of matters regarding specific title in land such as leases, charges, transfers, co-ownership and partition, trusts and transmission on death.The Law establishes a Land Register and requires the Governor to appoint a Land Registrar, the functions and powers of which are defined by this Law. The Land Register shall consist of a register of parcels adjudicated under the Land Adjudication Law and a register of each lease required by the Law to be registered.

Ley Nº 1.909/02 - Ley de loteamientos.

South America

La presente Ley reglamenta el loteamiento de inmuebles, entendiéndose por el mismo toda división o parcelamiento de inmueble en dos o más fracciones destinadas a la venta en zona urbana, suburbana o rural, con fines de urbanización. Todo loteamiento de inmueble privado estará sujeto a la aprobación de la Municipalidad, la cual será otorgada bajo los requisitos indicados en el artículo 2º, entre los cuales figura la declaración de impacto ambiental referente al proyecto de loteamiento presentado por el interesado.

Regional Act No. 30 on land reclamation.

Southern Europe

This Regional Act aims at ensuring the rational use of water resources, soil conservation, rural development and improvement of agricultural production by laying down the legislative framework concerning land reclamation. The regional territory is divided into different districts for the purpose of planning, performing and managing land reclamation. The interventions to be undertaken are listed out in article 5. The Regional Council shall adopt the regional land reclamation programme in accordance with article 8.