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Reports & Research
November 2009

Developments in China will have substantial impacts on forestry in the rest of the region. This wide-ranging country outlook study discusses a host of topics including prospects for China's afforestation/reforestation efforts, supply and demand for forest products and ecological services,…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2009

The livestock sector is transforming rapidly in response to shifts in the global economy and changing societal expectations. Society expects the livestock sector to provide safe and plentiful food and fibre for growing urban populations, livelihoods for more than a billion poor producers…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2009

The MASSCOTE application presented in this document has been initialized through a training workshop in Karnataka, for engineers and managers from the KJBNL, focussing on Upper Krishna Project in 2009. This document presents the status of the MASSCOTE application development immediately after…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2009

يشهد قطاع الثروة الحيوانية تحولاً سريعاً استجابة للتحولات التي تحدث في الاقتصاد العالمي وتغير توقعات المجتمع. فالمجتمع يتوقع من قطاع الثروة الحيوانية أن يوفر أغذية وأليافاً مأمونة ووفيرة لأعداد متزايدة من سكان الحضر، وأن يوفر سُبل العيش لأكثر من مليار شخص من المنتجين والتجار الفقراء، وكذلك السلع…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2009

Dans de nombreuses régions du monde, la quantité d’eau potable et sa qualité sont menacées par la surexploitation, le mauvais usage et la pollution. Il est nécessaire à cet égard d’accorder une haute priorité aux relations entre les forêts et l’eau. Les bassins versants boisés fournissent un…

Reports & Research
November 2009

India promotes the production of biodiesel from tree-borne oilseeds. This is seen as an option for substituting fossil fuels, reducing CO2 emissions, afforesting wastelands, and generating rural employment. Critics, however, claim that it may lead to food scarcity and seizure of common lands by…

Reports & Research
October 2009

Con la intención de proveer insumos al debate global, este número del OBSERVATORIO del Derecho a la Alimentación y la Nutrición se enfoca en la el tema: ¿Quién gobierna el Sistema Alimentario Mundial? Este documento contiene artículos escritos en las áreas de alimentación, nutrición y…

Policy Papers & Briefs
September 2009

The production of biofuels has been supported by many conservationists and environmentalists on the grounds that it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and is a renewable energy substitute for non-renewable fossil fuels, mainly oil. More recently the domestic production of biofuels (and the…

Reports & Research
September 2009

Agricultura para el desarrollo es el resultado de un proceso de análisis y consulta realizado por Oxfam Internacional entre finales de 2007 y la primera mitad de 2008, antes de que el impacto de la crisis financiera se hiciera sentir a lo largo de todo el mundo en desarrollo. Se publica ante un…

Policy Papers & Briefs
August 2009

Governance for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE): Guidelines and Best Practices is . This publication, which forms part of our broader climate change adaptation strategy, puts together key guidelines related to the governance and management of the Himalayan ecosystem, along with case…

Conference Papers & Reports
August 2009

Indian agriculture is characterized by the predominance of smallholders. This paper seeks to examine the access of small holders to agriculture credit in the context of financial sector reforms in India in the nineties. It explores the role of institutional and non institutional agencies in…

Reports & Research
August 2009

“The Strategic Analysis of India’s National River Linking Project”: In 2005, the
International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Challenge Program on Water
and Food (CPWF) started a three-year research study on “Strategic Analysis of India’s River Linking Project”. The…