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Peer-reviewed publication
June 2014

Il progetto restituisce il grado di qualità del classamento catastale della città di Milano determinato
dall’indice di scostamento tra il valore catastale e il più probabile valore di mercato delle unità immobiliari.
L’elaborazione è stata eseguita sull’intero stock edilizio…

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2014

Geomatics researches, applied to architecture and landscape, are becoming increasingly focused on development of innovation in survey techniques and digital data management. Quick techniques
are sought, with a high level of automation and versatility, to support knowledge management and…

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2014

Large amounts of resources and energy are consumed in the building sector. However, in response to the growing awareness of global environment problems, those in the building sector also recognized the necessity of making contributions toward the mitigation of environmental problems. The…

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2014

An underlying premise of the voluntary assessments and certifications offered by existing major building performance assessment systems is that if the market is provided with improved information and mechanisms, a discerning client group can and will provide leadership in environmental…

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2014

The project evaluates the quality of the cadastral classification of the city of Milan determined by an index of the deviation between the value of the land and the most likely market value of immovable property. The processing was done on the whole building cadastral ordinary stock (categories…

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2014

The present study assesses changes (1949-2008) in the structure of a Mediterranean urban area (Rome, Italy) in three phases (compact growth, medium-density growth, low-density growth) of its recent expansion which reflect different economic contexts at the local scale. Using a quantitative…

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2014

Il presente lavoro ha l’obiettivo di delineare gli aspetti chiave della sostenibilità in ambito edilizio focalizzando l’attenzione sul sistema di certificazione LEED® quale strumento “universale” di supporto per la realizzazione, gestione e valutazione di edifici sostenibili.
Nella prima…

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2014

Nel comparto dell’edilizia, si assiste a un enorme dispendio di energie e risorse. Ciononostante, a fronte di una crescente sensibilizzazione ai problemi dell’ambiente globale, gli operatori di questo comparto hanno individuato anche la necessità di fornire qualche contributo volto ad attenuare…

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2014

Una premessa soggiacente alle valutazioni e certificazioni offerte dai principali sistemi di valutazione della performance ambientale degli immobili consiste nel fatto che, ove il mercato disponga di migliori prassi e informazioni, un client group con potere decisionale può e deve garantire la…

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2014

This paper seeks to outline the key aspects of sustainability in the built environment by focusing attention on the LEED® certification system as a “universal” instrument to support the implementation,
management and evaluation of sustainable buildings.
The first part of the paper…

Reports & Research
June 2014

This paper addresses the issue of sustainable land use from two perspectives. First, a substantive and methodological discussion of sustainable development and related environmental security in the context of land use planning is offered. Second, an empirical case study on various land use…

Reports & Research
May 2014

Meeting Name: Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2014/Inf.1