Resource information
This report aims to assist the
Government of the Maldives in designing and implementing
social protection reforms, in particular for pensions and
safety nets. The report gives an overview of poverty, risk
and vulnerability in Maldives and analyzes the role and
effectiveness of pensions and social assistance policies in
helping poor households mitigate and cope with risks. Based
on the analysis, the study delineates a menu of options for
reforming the existing pension and social safety net system.
The structure of the study follows the issues outlined
above. Chapter 1 sets the stage with an overview of growth,
inequality, poverty and vulnerability. Chapter 2 discusses
old-age pensions and pension reform options. Chapter 3
covers safety nets (social assistance), while annexes
describe the data sources and contain the analytical
findings underpinning the recommendations. The executive
summary details the main findings and policy options
proposed in the report.