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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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FEATURE-Illegal settlers threaten Zimbabwe's timber industry

21 February 2017

By: Andrew Mambondiyani

Date: 21 February 2017

Source: Reuters

From the mountaintop at Skyline in the Chimanimani district of eastern Zimbabwe, a mosaic of scorched trees and timber can be seen stretching for miles on end.

Lit by a wave of illegal settlers, the fires regularly rage through the pine and eucalyptus plantations of Manicaland province, destroying vast swathes of timber at enormous cost.

Government Ditches Hydropower Dam for More Coal Power

20 February 2017


Date: 20 February 2017

Source: The Cambodia Daily

The government has indefinitely put off plans for a hydropower dam in Koh Kong province’s Areng valley in favor of expanding an existing coal-fired power plant, though conservationists worry that a planned transmission line through the ecologically sensitive valley could still inflict heavy damage.

Caucasus "Land grab" feared in remote UNESCO heritage site

20 February 2017

For the people of Upper Svaneti, a remote sliver of land nestled high in the gorges of Georgia, the last words uttered by the dying are portents of the future.

And the future looks bleak.

Residents say the same ominous rattle has echoed over so many of its death beds this past year - "The Svans are in danger, be careful" - that villagers are now braced for battle.

The source of their deep unease - electricity.

Saraga Settlers Evicted from Homes

20 February 2017

By: Bethanie Harriman

Date: 20 February 2017

Source: emtv

Over 200 Settlers in Saraga were evicted today by Police acting on a court order.

A Papua New Guinean company has a business lease over the land, obtained in 2014.

Settlers allege the land was obtained in a questionable manner.

Chamber of Mines Calls For Collaboration To Fight Illegal Miners

20 February 2017

Date: 19 February 2017

Source:News Ghana

The Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Mr John Peter Amewu has reiterated government’s commitment to address holistically the menace of illegal mining.

Speaking during a courtesy call on him by members of the Ghana Chamber of Mines, Mr Amewu called for collaboration with the Chamber to take the fight to the illegal miners.

Brazil pushes on with plan to open farmland sales to foreigners

16 February 2017

Brazil says it is pushing ahead with plans to change the law and let foreigners buy farmland, in a move widely backed by investors and opposed by land rights campaigners.

"We will announce the changes in the next 30 days," Brazilian Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles said on Wednesday night in an interview with GloboNews television.

Agribusiness is one of the fastest growing sectors of Brazil's economy and Meirelles said its continued success requires more investment.

EUA Oferecem bolsas de mestrado gratuitas- saiba como concorrer (Angola)

16 February 2017

A embaixada dos EUA em Angola está a desafiar os estudantes angolanos, com diploma de licenciatura, a inscreverem-se no Programa de Bolsas de Estudo Fulbright, que anualmente oferece a mais de 1.800 cidadãos estrangeiros a possibilidade de estudarem nos EUA a custo zero.

De acordo com a mensagem, as vagas existentes referem-se ao ano lectivo 2018/19 e o prazo limite para submissão de candidaturas termina a 14 de Abril de 2017.