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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

Displaying 3037 - 3048 of 5000

INTERVIEW-Give women land to build lasting peace in Guatemala - Nobel laureate

03 February 2017

By: Anastasia Moloney

Date: 3 February 2017

Source: Reuters

Across Latin America just one percent of farms and estates control more than half of the region's productive land.

Giving women access to land in Guatemala is key to forging lasting peace and tackling inequality, Nobel peace laureate Rigoberta Menchu said on Friday, in a country where land distribution is one of the most unequal in the world.

Marching towards peace, FARC-EP begins turning in arms – UN Mission in Colombia

03 February 2017

Date: 2 February 2017

Source: UN News Centre

More than 200 men and women of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP) marched today to demobilization camps, two months after a peace deal that ended the Western Hemisphere’s longest running conflict, United Nations monitors coordinating the process reported.

"Buen Vivir" for Whom?

02 February 2017

By: Moira Birss

Date: 26 January 2017

Source: Nacla

From attempts to close Ecuador’s leading environmental rights NGO to megaprojects on indigenous lands, Rafael Correa’s government continues to criminalize and threaten environmental activists and indigenous people.