The FAO Legal Office provides in-house counsel in accordance with the Basic Texts of the Organization, gives legal advisory services to FAO members, assists in the formulation of treaties on food and agriculture, for which the Director-General acts as Depositary, publishes legal studies and maintains a database (FAOLEX) of national legislation and international agreements concerning food and agriculture (including fisheries, forestry and water).
Displaying 3496 - 3500 of 15550Regulation No. 1043 dated 16.12.2015 amending and supplementing Regulation no. 408 date 13.5.2015 approving the regulation on the territory development, as amended.
This Regulation 1043 of 2015 amends and supplements articles 25 and 45 of Regulation 408 of 2015 dealing mostly with buildings higher than six floors. The construction permits for these buildings will be issued by the local authorities after the National Council of Territory submits a no-objection for such construction within 10 days of application.
Amends: Regulation No. 408 date 13.5.2015 approving the territory planning and development regulation. (2015-05-13)
Décret 08-1313 PR/PM/MATUH du 23 octobre 2008 portant création, attributions et fonctionnement de la Commission d'Urbanisme pour la ville de N'djaména.
Le présent décret met en place une Commission d'Urbanisme pour la ville de N'djaména.La Commission d'urbanisme pour la ville de N'djaména est chargée de: a) Assurer le suivi de la mise en œuvre du schéma d'aménagement urbain (SDAU), du Plan Directeur d'Urbanisme (PDIJ), du Plan urbain de Référence (PUR), des plans d'aménagement partiels ou de détails, ou tout autre plan d'urbanisme concernant la ville de N'djaména, élaboré par l'administration et approuvé par la Commission Nationale d'Urbanisme; b) Proposer au Ministère en charge de l'Urbanisme, la révision de ces plans en conformité avec l
Act II of 1976 on the protection of the human environment.
The aim of the Act is to establish the principal rules in connection with the protection, preservation and planned development of the human environment for the purpose of the protection of people's health and the regular improvement of living conditions. Chapter II of the Act sets out detailed rules concerning the protection of the elements of environment, i.e. land, water, air, biosphere, landscape and human habitations. Chapter III deals with the responsibility in case of violation of the provisions concerning environmental protection.
Decision No. 1157 approving the inventory of the immovable State properties administered by the irrigation boards that will be transferred to the administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection.
This Decision approves the inventory list of the immovable State properties administered by the drainage boards that will be transferred to the administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection. There are 16 drainage boards with a total of 795 inventory sheets and 11 957 properties.
Decision No. 213 dated 31.3.2010 approving the composition of the national committee of spiritual cultural heritage.
The National Committee of the Spiritual Cultural Heritage is chaired by the Minister responsible for the cultural heritage and is composed of designated authorities from the Ministry of Culture, National UNESCO Committee, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Meetings are called not less than four times a year. The Ministry of Culture is responsible for the regulation implementation. This Decision repeals the Decision No. 723 dated 14.5.2008 of Council of Ministers on the composition of the National Committee of the Spiritual Cultural Heritage.