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Community Organizations FAO Legal Office
FAO Legal Office
FAO Legal Office


The FAO Legal Office provides in-house counsel in accordance with the Basic Texts of the Organization, gives legal advisory services to FAO members, assists in the formulation of treaties on food and agriculture, for which the Director-General acts as Depositary, publishes legal studies and maintains a database (FAOLEX) of national legislation and international agreements concerning food and agriculture (including fisheries, forestry and water).



Displaying 3706 - 3710 of 15550

Rural Lands Protection Amendment Act 2003.


This Act amends the Rural Lands Protection Act 1998 to make provision for dealing with urgent matters arising in between annual State Conferences and to simplify the procedures for the election or appointment of directors of rural lands protection boards.

Amends: Rural Lands Protection Act 1998, No. 143. (2009-01-27)

Government Proceedings Act 1974.


The Act concerns claims enforceable by or against the Government and related civil proceedings. Subject to this Act and any other Act, all debts, damages, duties, sums of money, land, or goods, due, payable or belonging to the Government, is to be sued for and recovered by proceedings taken for that purpose in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

Decreto Nº 4.065 - Reglamenta las disposiciones relativas a procedimientos para la urbanización e incorporación al desarrollo de los predios comprendidos en suelo urbano.

South America

El presente Decreto reglamenta las disposiciones relativas a las actuaciones y procedimientos para la urbanización e incorporación al desarrollo de los predios y zonas comprendidas en suelo urbano y de expansión y a la estimación y liquidación de la participación en plusvalía en los procesos de urbanización y edificación de inmuebles.

Law amending the Law on privatization of state agricultural land.

North Macedonia
Southern Europe

This Law amends some provisions part of the Law on sanitary and health inspection (Official Gazette 87/2013, 106/2013, 137/2013 and 61/2015).Changes are related to the administrative and legal issues of the State Agency for real estate (article 20 regarding the authorization on sale of agricultural land in state ownership).

Amends: Law on privatization of state agricultural land. (2013-05-20)