Latest News
13 December 2022
Attempts to re-expropriate assets of Sri Lanka’s privatized commercial plantations on the pretext of being under-utilized will undermine property rights and discourage investors, officials and analysts said.
Controversial Expropriation Bill is finally approved after navigating a 14-year rocky road
30 September 2022
The Expropriation Bill was adopted by the National Assembly late on Wednesday evening after the opposition DA, EFF, IFP, Freedom Front Plus and African Christian Democratic Party put their objections on record.
Pillages, massacres… Comment les mercenaires russes Wagner saignent l’or en Centrafrique
27 June 2022
Près de la frontière avec le Soudan, les mercenaires russes pillent les mines artisanales en Centrafrique. Ils auraient tué des dizaines de travailleurs clandestins depuis le mois de mars 2022.
There are 887 content items of different types and languages related to expropriation on the Land Portal.