United Kingdom
Socio-economic indicators
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Total population
Urban population
83.4 %
Land-related indicators
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Agricultural land
72.2 %
Perceived tenure security
87.3 %
NewsBrowse all
07 April 2020
Artificial Intelligence is transforming the financial services industry through its innovative digital identity verification solutions that include Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-money Laundering (AML) standards.
AI systems are managed such that they help in tracking the malicious transactions…
27 June 2019
A regional workshop on “Strengthening the Accessibility and Visibility of Agricultural and Land Data through the Use of Semantics - AGRIS in Europe and Central Asia” was held by FAO in collaboration with the LandPortal Foundation (the Netherlands) in Moscow, 27-28 June 2019, hosted by the Central…
23 August 2017
A development in Dorchester could be a model for affordable housing, and the 50th victim of the Grenfell fire is identified.
An in-depth report in the Financial Times looks at a development in Poundbury, Dorchester, which it says could provide a new model for building housing in the UK that would…
BlogsBrowse all
13 May 2022
Le maïs est une culture commerciale mondiale essentielle, produite sur tous les continents sauf l'Antarctique. En tant que culture flexible, il a de multiples usages, notamment pour la consommation humaine directe, comme ingrédient pour l'alimentation animale, comme composant clé des aliments…
EventsBrowse all
The fourth UK Land Policy Forum will take place at the Overseas Development Institute on 26 April, 1:00pm – 5:00pm.
For those planning to join in person:
Location: Overseas Development Institute, 203 Blackfriars Road, SE1 8NJ, London. Directions to ODI can be found here: https://www.odi.org/about…
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