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Countries Uganda related News


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26 September 2024
This brochure provides an overview of the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy (GPRLP) implemented by the German Development Cooperation Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). It points out the relevance of land rights for reducing hunger and conflicts as well as the potential…
23 March 2024
Photo: ©FAO/Petterik Wiggers  L'appel à contributions est ouvert jusqu’au 1er avril 2024. Depuis quelques années, il est de plus en plus admis qu’il est urgent de transformer les systèmes agroalimentaires afin de les rendre plus durables, plus résistants, plus inclusifs et plus équitables. Qu'…
31 January 2024
Le régime foncier devrait être bénéfique pour les communautés locales et les peuples autochtones qui possèdent et utilisent des terres. Dans la plupart des pays africains, les promoteurs acquièrent de plus en plus de terres pour des investissements à grande échelle, ce qui met en péril les droits…
4 January 2024
Photo ID 557871 UN Photo/Tobin Jones (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED) Are you passionate about upholding Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IP&LC) rights and supporting the protection of forests and biodiversity and the governance of IPLC land and forests in the African continent?   Do you have…
29 November 2023
Foto: Theresa Carpenter/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0) Centenas de pessoas já morreram na Somália e no Quênia; alerta para riscos de piora da precipitação está em vigor até quinta-feira; Cruz Vermelha no Uganda diz estar preparada para apoiar vítimas.  Pelo menos 96 pessoas morreram após inundações causadas…
10 July 2023
Earlier this year (2023), the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development announced plans to amend the act to strengthen the rights and obligations of Lawful and Bonafide Occupants on registered land to curb illegal land evictions. The ministry wanted the Act to provide for; where to deposit…
10 July 2023
Construction of TotalEnergies' East African Crude Oil Pipeline has "devastated" the lives and livelihoods of tens of thousands of people in its path while exacerbating the climate emergency, according to a report published Monday by Human Rights Watch. HRW's 47-page report—entitledOur Trust Is…
24 April 2023             By Witness Radio Team. For the last 50 years, local farmers in Waaki North, Kapapi Central, Waaki South, Runga, and Kiryatete villages in both Kapapi and Kiganja sub-counties in the Hoima district have been surviving on subsistence farming and rearing…
24 April 2023             By Witness Radio Team. For the last 50 years, local farmers in Waaki North, Kapapi Central, Waaki South, Runga, and Kiryatete villages in both Kapapi and Kiganja sub-counties in the Hoima district have been surviving on subsistence farming and rearing…
24 April 2023             By Witness Radio Team. For the last 50 years, local farmers in Waaki North, Kapapi Central, Waaki South, Runga, and Kiryatete villages in both Kapapi and Kiganja sub-counties in the Hoima district have been surviving on subsistence farming and rearing…
24 April 2023             By Witness Radio Team. For the last 50 years, local farmers in Waaki North, Kapapi Central, Waaki South, Runga, and Kiryatete villages in both Kapapi and Kiganja sub-counties in the Hoima district have been surviving on subsistence farming and rearing…
9 March 2023
The governments of Uganda and Tanzania have officially approved the construction of the $5 billion East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project, which is set to cover a distance of 1,443 kilometres. Uganda discovered commercial reserves of petroleum nearly two decades ago in one of the world’s…