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Innovative Approaches to Unlock Rural and Indigenous Women's Land Rights for Sustainable Development

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Date of publication
Mai 2024
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The session examined innovative approaches to empower rural and Indigenous women through secure land rights, emphasizing the vital role of women in climate mitigation and adaptation. It highlighted the persistent barriers that women face in land ownership and control, which impact their economic security, adaptation capacity, and participation in decision-making processes related to land and climate. Drawing from practical interventions across four countries, the speakers showcased diverse strategies aimed at strengthening women's land tenure as a pathway to sustainability and resilience. In Zambia and Malawi, gender-transformative approaches were implemented during government-led documentation of customary lands, challenging traditional norms to ensure women’s inclusion. In Cote d'Ivoire, efforts focused on shifting harmful gender dynamics within households and communities, enabling women to take on greater roles in land governance. In Tanzania, targeted strategies were used to reduce barriers and incentivize women's participation in paid land documentation, facilitating access to formal land rights. Meanwhile, Cambodia’s experience demonstrated how communal land titles could safeguard Indigenous women's land and culture, ensuring sustainable use for future generations. The session emphasized that secure land tenure for women—particularly Indigenous women—can enhance adaptation capacity, improve resource stewardship, reduce emissions, and support the adoption of climate-smart practices. These examples underscored the importance of dismantling legal and social barriers to women's land rights, reinforcing that inclusive land governance is fundamental to achieving broader sustainability goals. Participants were encouraged to draw from these best practices to drive change in their own contexts, advocating for gender equality as a crucial element of sustainable land management.

This resource has been made available by the organizers of the World Bank Land Conference under the following disclaimer.
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Authors and Publishers

Author(s), editor(s), contributor(s)

Ailey Kaiser Hughes; Christine Anderson; Safiatu Alabi; Patricia Malasha; Yuliya Panfil