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There are 1, 090 content items of different types and languages related to agricultural and rural legislation on the Land Portal.
Displaying 409 - 420 of 480

Government measures to promote the transition form subsistence to market agriculture

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 1964

The FAO/ECA Expert Meeting on Government Measures to Promote the Transition from Subsistence to Market Agriculture in Africa was held at Addis Ababa from 27 April to 7 May 1964. The attached paper summarizing the main findings and recommendations of the meeting was prepared as a working document for the Third FAO Regional Conference for Africa, held at Addis Ababa from 3 to 15 September 1964.

La notion de centre de développement agricole

Conference Papers & Reports
September, 1969

A la cinquième réunion Conférence régionale de la FAO pour l'Afrique, tenue à Kampala, Ouganda, en novembre 1968, la FAO a présenté un document intitulé "Institutions rurales: développement intégré en vue d'assurer à l'agriculture l'appui des services officiels." Ce document a suscité un intérêt considérable et donné lieu à de nombreux échanges de vue entre les délégués.

Planning for structural adjustment in African agriculture

Reports & Research
January, 1992

African Agriculture is in crisis. Serious deterioration in the terms of trade, frequent droughts, growing expenditure on food imports, and rapid population growth on an ecologically fragile agricultural resource base have, all combined to prevent African agriculture from playing its vital role as the engine of economic development of the continent.

Report on measures to harmonize livestock development policies in Africa: the performance of the sector and the impact of structural adjustment programmes

Conference Papers & Reports
January, 1989

The present paper was prepared as part of the work programme of food and agriculture for the 1988-1989 biennium. It constitutes element 2.4 on multinational co-operation on livestock development in Africa and it focuses on the performance of the sector in the face of government intervention and the structural adjustment programmes (SAP). The effect of the SAP on the achievement of increased collective self-sufficiency and self-reliance in animal food production and supply was given particular attention.

Multilateral agricultural liberalization : what's in it for Afica?

Reports & Research
July, 2006

This paper examines the implications for African economies of the possible outcomes from the ongoing agriculture negotiations in the Doha Round. The paper defines scenarios that capture key elements of the modalities negotiations and undertakes simulations using a global dynamic general equilibrium model to examine the impact of multilateral agricultural trade reforms on African economies.

በኢትዮጵያ ኃላፊነት የተሞላበት የማህበራዊና አካባቢ የስነ ምግባር ደንብ

Manuals & Guidelines
November, 2018
Eastern Africa

በኢትዮጵያ ኃላፊነት የተሞላበት የግብርና ኢንቨስትመንት ዕውን ለማድረግ የሚያስችል የማህበራዊና አካባቢ የስነ ምግባር ደንብ የተዘጋጀው የግብርና ኢንቨስትመንት ፕሮጀክቶች ሁሉን አቀፍ ፣ዘላቂ ፣ ግልጽነት የሰፈነባቸው እና ሰብአዊ መብቶችን የሚያከብሩ መሆናቸውን ማረጋገጥ ይችሉ ዘንድ ለመርዳት ታስቦ የተዘጋጀ የስነ ምግባር ደንብ ሰነድ ነው ፡፡ ይህ ሰነድ የተዘጋጀው የኢትዮጵያ ሆርቲካልቸርና ግብርና ኢንቨስትመንት ባለስልጣን የግብርና ኢንቨስትመንት ልማት በተገቢው መንገድ ተግባራዊ ለማድረግ የሚያስችሉ መመሪያዎችን ለማዘጋጀት ባሳየው ቁርጠኝነት ምክንያት ነው፡፡

Land Use Rights in China

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2004

China is a socialist country and all land in China belongs to Chinese citizens as a whole. Article 10 of the 1982 Constitution upholds the Chinese land policy that reflects the traditional view of socialism - land of the country must be owned by the country (State) or its agricultural Collectives. State-owned enterprises or other organizations, which cannot own land themselves, may use land with permission from the State.

Reconstruction of China’s Farmland Rights System Based on the ‘Trifurcation of Land Rights’ Reform

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2020

With the aim of improving farmland use efficiency without damaging the social function of farmland, Chinese policymakers have proposed the ‘trifurcation of land rights’ reform. When it comes to realization of the law, however, neither the Ownership Model nor the Bundle of Sticks Model can adequately explain this reform. The tree concept of property, which provides a new perspective in delineating property rights based on the function served by specific properties, is thus adopted.