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There are 1, 090 content items of different types and languages related to agricultural and rural legislation on the Land Portal.
Displaying 433 - 444 of 480

A suboptimal array of options erodes the value of CAP ecological focus areas

Peer-reviewed publication
May, 2019

As a part of the greening of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy in 2013, Ecological Focus Areas (EFA) became mandatory for many European farmers, with the aim to enhance on-farm biodiversity. However, their effects on biodiversity have been disputed. In this interdisciplinary effort, we assessed the effects of current and alternative formulations of EFA regulations in Sweden.

A proposition to solve the land cadaster system in Brazil: the role of CNIR and a new institutionalization

Conference Papers & Reports
February, 2016
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

Brazil has, on the one hand, strong institutions in various areas, improved social situation and, on the other, the rural land situation is still very precarious, with basic unresolved questions, such as for example, knowledge of what is public and private land, due to the absence of cadaster. The legislation moved forward in an attempt to link the cadasters of INCRA, the Internal Revenue Service, with information from the Registry of Real Estate with the enactment of Law No. 10,267 / 2001, creating the National Register of Rural Properties – CNIR.

Land reform by default: uncovering patterns of agricultural decollectivization in Tajikistan

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2016

Like that in other post-communist states, Tajikistan’s agricultural decollectivization was initiated through top-down measures. However, the implementation process has not been uniform across the state’s territory; in some districts collective farms were quickly and thoroughly broken up, while in others the process is just now beginning. In this paper, we investigate spatial variation in Tajikistan’s decollectivization process.

16 - Healthy and safe working environment - Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI): Knowledge into Action Notes series

Manuals & Guidelines
February, 2018

This note is part of an Action Notes series and provides guidance for governments and companies on good practice in occupational health and safety policies, programs, procedures and processes, a matter of critical importance given that half the world’s working population is in agriculture

Responsible investments in agriculture and food systems – A practical handbook for parliamentarians and parliamentary advisors

Manuals & Guidelines
November, 2020

This Handbook provides a comprehensive and systematic overview of the role that Parliamentarians and Parliamentary Advisors can play in the creation of reliable, coherent, and transparent “enabling environments” in the range of areas related to investment in agriculture and food systems. It does so through guidance notes, examples of good practices, and very practical indications, and sets out key stages of processes and mechanisms for MPs and advisors to consider while promoting responsible investment in agriculture and food systems.

German Farmers’ Perspectives on Price Drivers in Agricultural Land Rental Markets—A Combination of a Systematic Literature Review and Survey Results

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2021

Despite the popularity of agricultural land markets as a research topic, a current literature review on price drivers on agricultural land rental markets is missing, which is crucial in order to gain an overview of the status quo. Furthermore, farmers’ perceptions of price drivers on agricultural land rental markets have not been considered sufficiently. Therefore, this study combines descriptive results from a survey with 156 German farmers conducted during 2019–2020 using purposive sampling and a systematic literature review.

Landbouw in de Randstad in 2040; Bouwstenen voor concretisering van de visie van het ministerie van EL&I

Reports & Research
December, 2010

Uitgangspunt bij de visie op grondgebonden landbouw in de Randstad is, dat die grondgebonden landbouw een belangrijke drager is / blijft van de economie en de leefbaarheid van het landelijk gebied in de regio. Vraag is welke vraagstukken daarbij onderscheiden kunnen worden en welke sturingsmogelijkheden het ministerie heeft om ervoor te zorgen dat die grondgebonden landbouw die rol in de toekomst blijft vervullen

Vernieuwing van Europees landbouwbeleid 2014-2020 : verkenning van Europese visies met nadruk op multifunctionele landbouw

Reports & Research
December, 2010

Onderwerp is de Europese beleidsontwikkeling naar een fundamentele vernieuwing van het Europees Landbouwbeleid (GLB) in de periode 2014 - 2020. De studie heeft het karakter van een verkenning en concentreert zich op de reconstructie van argumenten in enkele onderbouwde lange termijn visies en adviezen. Het gaat vooral om de redeneringen en minder om een overzicht van standpunten van alle deelnemers aan het GLB-debat.

Multi-scale land use analysis for agricultural policy assessment: a model-based study in Ilocos Norte province, Philippines

Reports & Research
December, 2006

Pressures on the natural resources, especially land and water, continue to increase as a result of an ever-increasing world population and continuing economic growth. These pressures originate from the many claims of stakeholders at different scales on the limited resources, and are aggravated by their different and often conflicting goals.

Randvoorwaarden bloembollenteelt ontleend aan eisen en wensen vanuit beleid en maatschappij

Reports & Research
December, 2002

De steeds scherpere randvoorwaarden die t.a.v. emissie van mineralen en middelen naar het milieu worden gesteld, vragen om de ontwikkeling van duurzame bloembollenteelt. Om aan diverse eisen tegemoet te komen zullen bloembollenbedrijven hun bestaande bedrijfsvoering moeten aanpassen ten behoeve van duurzaamheidseisen. Deze publicatie richt zich op de probleemanalyse aan de hand van een aantal hoofdthema's: emissie naar het milieu, ruimtelijke ordening, natuurontwikkeling en waterproblematiek.