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Issues Forest Tenure related Project
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Vocational Training and Agricultural Productivity Improvement Programme (FORMAPROD)


The aim of the programme is to contribute to an increase in the income of 110,000 smallholder households in 13 regions through professional and vocational training, leading to higher productivity and improved marketing of agricultural products. The programme specifically aims to support vulnerable groups, with special attention to uneducated youth and young women who are heads of household. Land and natural resource governance related activities include 6 land registration committees (CRIF) constituted by 10 land offices, they include the support for the issuing of land certificates and plan to install at least 2000 ha of new irrigated areas and rehabilitate 4200 ha of existing or traditional boundaries in order to secure the control of water and/or expand the irrigated area.

Far Ban Bo - protecting fisheries livelihood


Empower coastal communities (women and marginalised people in particular)to articulate and voice their interests in tenure rights processes, to promote transparancy in the management of the fishery sector and to provide alternative livelihood options to fishers and processors affected by capacity reduction efforts.

CLDP - Communal Land Development Project (EU/KfW)


The project purpose is to improve tenure security and registration of communal land rights in communal areas as well as developing integrated regional land use plans and infrastructure investments in the small scale communal farming sector. Measures are for an example, zoning of grassland and construction of waterholes.

Support Programme to Agricultural Development and Rural Entrepreneurship (PADAER)


The programme's goal is to contribute to rural poverty reduction and stimulate economic growth of 50,000 households in the regions of Matam, Tambacounda, Kedougou and Kolda, focusing on enhancing supply of agricultural production; on value addition and marketing. On land and natural resource governance, the programme intends to provide support for collective rangeland management and the capacity building of breeder organizations.

Cross-border Biosphere Reserve Prespa


The complementary program supports and builds the young cross-border biosphere reserve in the Prespa Ohrid region and promotes the Prespa National Park. It contributes to the protection of biodiversity and to the fight against poverty in the Albanian Prespa region.

Climate-Related Modernisation of National Forest Policy and Piloting REDD Measures in the Philippines


The project objective is to orientate Philippine forestry policy towards climate protection goals by preventing deforestation (REDD) and in particular by developing a REDD strategy that considers the causes of deforestation and encompasses incentive systems for preventing deforestation and rehabilitating degraded forest areas and mangroves. Priority is given to efforts that promote good governance, participation of local and indigenous communities in forestry policy-making processes and clarification of land-use rights as well as conservation of biodiversity and poverty reduction.

Ruwanmu Small-Scale Irrigation Project (RUWANMU)


The goal of this project is to raise the incomes and improve the food security of 65,000 poor rural households in 30 communes within the Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder regions of Niger. The project stipulates that at least 30% of direct beneficiaries should be women and 30% young people involved in production or a related area, such as handicrafts, processing or marketing. The project reinforced 1800 ha of irrigated areas, the development of irrigation systems for an additional 5000 ha of land, and the rehabilitation of 3300 ha of watershed areas. To manage the above mentioned areas in a sustainable way, the project supports land commissions involved in the process of securing land plots and the establishment of 30 WUAs. Special attention is being given to women's and youth's equitable access to the developed resources.

Regional Geoid for the Balkans


Since a geoid is the ratified framework on which mapping and measuring work in each country is based, creating a common geodetic reference frame for neighbouring Balkan countries will facilitate seamless combination of geographic data across borders. As we know, the effects of climate change and mitigation of the effects are not confined to national borders and increasing regional cooperation among the actors involved in managing these issues would only be beneficial. Background Through the Norwegian Mapping Authority, the Government of Norway has for many years assisted countries in the Western Balkan region in preparing geographic information and in establishing services ensuring access to the information. The partner institutions are (with some variation) functioning satisfactorily, but lack funds to prepare up-to-date geographic information, and access to this type of information for their respective land and sea territories is limited. Data to deal with the effects of climate change is a special challenge, and partner institutions are also challenged with meeting European standards on access to geographic information. Because of the socialist legacy, partner institutions still need to improve their register services for the emerging land markets in privatised properties. The overall goal of this regional project is improved governance on central, regional and local levels; sustainable land use; secure land markets; and safe navigation at sea. Activities •For Bosnia and Herzegovina, activities will focus on 1) Roll-out of a digital archive system, and 2) Improvments to the system for efficient use of GPS technology. •For Montenegro, activities will focus on 1) Establishment of an address register, 2) Improving production of topographic maps, and 3) Improving capacity for preparing sea maps of coastal areas •For Serbia, activities will focus on 1) Establishing a Condominium register, and 2) Improving solutions for data distribution and exchange •For Kosovo, activities will focus on 1) Establishing addresses in more municipalities, 2) Completing the cadastre map database, 3) Rolling out a property register to three municipalities in the north of Serbia, and 4) Upgrading of IT systems at KCA. •For Albania, activities will be focused on 1) Enhancing the capacity of ASIG to provide geographical information to users, 2) Ensuring efficient and professional production of sea maps, 3) Development of a first version og an integrated information system for coastal areas with testing in one area, and 4) Enhancing education in mapping and cadastre at University level. •For Macedonia, activities will be focused on 1) Establishing a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for 1/3 of the country, and 2) Establishing capacity for storage and distribution of electronic terrain data. In common for all six partner countries, there is a focus on 1.Establishing a plan for improving the vertical component of their geodetic framework, through a regional working group and calculating the vertical reference frame for the region; and 2.Procurement of gravimetric instruments.

National REDD+ system, Philippines


The project aims at creating a national framework for reducing greenhouse gases from deforestation and forest degradation. The target groups are those responsible for REDD+ in the environment ministry, national and local government authorities as well as the populations who are dependent on forests, primarily indigenous groups. Measures include the establishment of a national implementation and coordination system (REDD+ register, governance structures); the development of REDD+ financial and participation mechanisms; extensive forest-related land-use planning in selected regions as a prerequisite for zoning and establishing land-use rights; the integration of ecological and social standards in implementing REDD+ measures; and awareness-raising and information/knowledge management.

Support for the National Program for Securing Rural Land


As part of a global FLEX 2008 program to support the agricultural sector, the project aims to implement the National Program for Securing Rural Land through training (delimitation of land) and the issuance of land certificates, the improvement of the administrative and technical system, the establishment of geo-referenced terminals to delimit the village lands and ensure their cartographic transcription, the provision of rental contracts, the revision and implementation of land legislation, the launch of a communication campaign

Maps for good land governance


This project aims at establishing a public service for precise use of GPS technology for surveying and mapping, and a digital base map for the whole territory of Ukraine including occupied areas, with a data content and accuracy equivalent to scale 1:50 000. This corresponds to what exists in most other European countries. Challenges and justification for project Ukraine has a territory of 603.000 km2, of which as much as 2/3 are arable land. Sustainable land management is crucial to economic development. Maps are indispensable for land- and territorial management as well as for many other purposes in public and private sectors. Up-to-date maps are available for 20 % only, and these maps are not integrated into a user oriented electronic service. For the remaining 80 % there are only old maps from the Soviet time. Maps are not easily available to users in Ukraine. As in most other European countries, basic maps should be made available on the Internet and harmonized with other thematic data, according to the concept of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). Despite that Ukraine is not an EU member, the Government wants to implement their NSDI in accordance with the EU Inspire directive. Activities 1.Preparation of digital map for the whole territory of Ukraine and a solution for distribution of the maps for good governance, land use planning and sustainable land management, as well as for implementation and reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals. 2.Establishing a network of ground stations needed for a public service supporting precise use of GPS technology for boundary surveys, etc. building on the previous project. Components 1.Produce new maps using satellite images to update existing old maps. This will include making a product specification to ensure that the data is structured for optimal use, and will include verification and upgrading of the data model for the database, which will hold the maps. 2.The second component of the project is to integrate the existing digital maps and the updated old maps into a single seamless database. 3.The third component is to establish a solution for efficient access to the maps and satellite images for all users in Ukraine. This should be done in accordance with the concept of a National Spatial Data Infrastructure, in line with European standards outlined in the EU INSPIRE directive and adjacent standards and guidelines. This will lead to a more transparent and efficient land administration in Ukraine. 4.The fourth component of the project is to establish a network of ground stations and a related public service (Ukrainian Positioning System = UAPOS), supporting precise use of GPS technology. It is proposed to start the establishment of UAPOS with 90 reference stations, prioritizing areas with the most intensive development and active land market, and with a central control facility at the SALR premises in Kiev. A business plan for the service will also be developed to ensure sustainability. The system will improve the surveying and mapping of parcel boundaries, thus improving public services to the emerging markets in land and reduce conflicts over ownership, which is a massive problem after restitution of private ownership to land. This corresponds to the situation in Norway and in many other European countries, where the State operates a high quality and strictly controlled service in addition to private positioning services. 5.The fifth component of the project is training, capacity building and awareness raising. The training focuses on improving the capacity of the StateGeoCadastre to efficiently implement all activities of the project. Awareness campaigns will focus on informing public institutions and other users about the availability of maps and related terms for use. Such maps are an indispensable information resource for good governance, and are urgently needed for many purposes in Ukraine; inter alia, for land management, environmental planning and reporting, for improvements to infrastructure, for water management, for adaptation and mitigation of effects of climate change, as well as for a wide range of other usage at all levels of public sector, and in private sector.