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Issues Indigenous & Community Land Rights related Blog post
Displaying 205 - 216 of 267
9 March 2019
Conservation, said Aldo Leopold, is harmony between (wo)men and land. Land should justifiably figure not only into the conservation, but also in development debates, policy and discourses. Missing land rights and land tenure security can be costly for states, communities as well as local and global
25 January 2019
There is a strong and compelling environment and development case to be made for securing indigenous and community lands. Securing collective land rights offers a low-cost, high-reward investment for developing country governments and their partners to meet national development objectives and the
25 January 2019
Peruvian indigenous communities have shown themselves to be exceptional environmental and conservation leaders. Their leaders have worked for a decade to ensure a government commitment to conserve 54 million hectares of forest, as a part of the REDD+ program.
15 January 2019
Of late, land has increasingly been figuring into the development sector, for both positive and negative reasons.
14 December 2018
The Sengwer are an indigenous hunter-gatherer people living along the slopes of the Cherangany Hills in the western highlands of Kenya. Their estimated population is 33,187.
13 December 2018
We cannot restore tropical forests without restoring the rights of their traditional owners. Implementing a coordinated global response to curb demand for energy and eliminate further deforestation would reduce the need to deploy artificial carbon dioxide removal technologies, according to a
12 December 2018
WATER. The most basic necessity that most people take for granted because it is readily available by just a turn of the tap. But for some groups in Malaysia, safe drinking water and sanitation is not accessible.
4 December 2018
Peru - A recent Rights and Resources report provides strong evidence on the importance of recognizing and protecting indigenous rights towards mitigating forest-based emissions and curbing global warming. As a Ph.D.
4 December 2018
After decades of being the elephant in the room of global development, only now are we seeing increased recognition of land rights Fred Nelson is executive director of Maliasili and Michael Taylor is director of International Land Coalition  Land rights have finally been invited to the party -
2 November 2018
African governments should recognise customary rights to water for millions of small farmers who have been sidelined or "criminalised" by permit systems created during the colonial era, said a report published on Monday. Restrictive permit systems in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda and
24 October 2018
There is no doubt that land use and reforms are at the heart of Kenya’s political and economic future stability. In Kenya in particular, land has a central position in Kenya’s social, economic and political history. An estimated 75% of the country’s population depends on land for their livelihoods
24 October 2018
On September 19, Liberian President George Manneh Weah signed into law the Land Rights Bill (LRB), a landmark piece of legislation that recognizes the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to their customary lands and gives customary land the same standing as private land in Liberia.