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Gender- and youth-sensitive data collection tools to support decision making for inclusive sustainable agricultural intensification

December, 2020

To achieve equitable sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI), it is essential to understand differential access and control over agricultural resources by women and youth, and to assess how intensification interacts with gendered and age-dependent relationships. Existing packages for assessing women’s empowerment in agriculture tend to be large-scale surveys that do not provide timely results, nor are they easily integrated into a gender-transformative process.

Realizing Inclusive SAI: Contextualizing indicators to better evaluate gender and intergenerational inequity in SAI processes and outcomes - Cases from Southern and Western Africa

December, 2020
Hong Kong

Despite increasing sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) investments, indicators for detecting gender and intergenerational inequities in SAI costs and benefits sharing often remain overgeneralized, theoretical, or locally irrelevant. We examine the relative value of, and how to, customize standard SAI indicators to detect such inequities in specific socio-cultural contexts to enhance data collection for evidence-based decision making in fostering gender/youth inclusive SAI.

Entrepreneurial intention among rural youth in Moroccan Agricultural Cooperatives: the future of rural entrepreneurship

December, 2020

Rural entrepreneurship in the developing world has long been hailed as a powerful tool for promoting the socioeconomic integration of young people and the key to avoiding rural depopulation as well as ensuring these areas remain attractive places for rural youth. However, there have been no efforts to investigate the role of collective entrepreneurship in the creation and management of new businesses in Morocco.

To farm or not to farm: Understanding the determinants of youth livelihood aspirations in Vietnam

December, 2020

In the context of commercial agriculture in Vietnam, this study investigates rural youth livelihood aspirations through an analysis of young people’s value for family farming and an assessment of whether or not they foresee agriculture as their main occupation. Using an intra-household dataset of cassava farmers in Vietnam, the study shows that the majority of youth aspire to work in agriculture, which is contrary to the popular belief that young people are not interested in agriculture. We employ the framework of opportunity space and embedded aspirations to assess the

Foresight as a mechanism for inclusion? Comparative analysis of gender and social inclusion within the CCAFS scenario-based policy formulation processes

December, 2020

Starting from 2010, the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) scenarios team has led several future scenario-guided policy formulation processes under the FP1 Flagship Priorities and Policies for CSA. These scenario-based processes combined stakeholders’ workshops with quantitative modelling to guide planning for food and nutrition secure futures under changing climatic conditions. While earlier scenarios focused on the regional level, the scope have since expanded to encompass multiple regional and national policy development processes.

Gender and youth responsiveness considerations for targeting, testing and scaling suitable CSA practices and technologies: Learnings from the Climate-Smart Villages

December, 2020

This working paper summarizes the findings of a portfolio review conducted to explore the gender and youth responsiveness of climate-smart agriculture technologies tested across climate-smart villages. The innovative and integrative aspect of the Climate-Smart Village (CSV) approach can provide useful insights into how to decrease the gender gap in the context of climate change.

Experience capitalization of Gudoberet- and Hosanna-Jawe landscape restoration process in Ethiopia

December, 2020

This study was undertaken in the Gudoberet- and Jawe landscapes located in Amhara and SNNP regions of Ethiopia, respectively. Experience Capitalization (EC) process approach was used to capture a wide range of experiences related to landscape restoration project in Gudoberet- and Jawe landscapes. Although there has been several studies regarding landscape restoration in Ethiopia, the use of EC process in landscape restoration is the first attempt in the country.

From theory to practice: what should we have in mind when building an effective and sustainable Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) scheme for silvopastoral systems? Evidence from Colombia

December, 2020

In most Latin American countries, payment for ecosystem services (PES) can be a useful strategy for restoration and conservation of the environment, increasing productivity and promoting sustainable development in rural areas. Despite these plausible benefits, PES implementation can be challenging due to the contextual framework in which it takes place (e.g. institutional weakness in the implementation and monitoring stages, limited connectivity among stakeholders, low levels of agricultural technification, etc.).

Policy note on Kenya’s draft agriculture sector Gender Policy

December, 2020

The Agriculture Sector Gender Policy has been reviewed and revised through six key thematic areas – Gender and Social Inclusion (GeSI) and the five thematic areas in Agriculture that intersect with gender, namely, Agriculture Value Chain Development (AVCD); Food and Nutrition Security (FNS); Climate Change (CC); National and Devolved Governance; and the Strategic Analysis Knowledge Support System (SAKSS), in eight Regional Economic Blocs (REB). Evidence of gender gaps and their determinants in agricultural productivity in Africa exists.

Youth Economic Empowerment Through Agribusiness In Kenya (Vijabiz) - Synthesis of Activities and Outcomes

December, 2020

Ustadi and CTA have jointly implemented the project “Youth economic empowerment through agribusiness in Kenya (VijaBiz)” in the Nakuru and Kilifi counties in Kenya. The project aimed to create sustainable employment for rural youth through active engagement in agribusiness for wealth creation and poverty reduction. More specifically, VijaBiz built entrepreneurship capacity for 163 youth agribusiness groups in cereals, dairy and fishery value chains in the Kilifi and Nakuru counties.

Perceived social norms and agripreneurial intention among youths in eastern DRC

December, 2020

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a country with a high agricultural productivity potential; however, the agribusiness sector remains unattractive to youths. This study examined the extent to which perceived social norms and psychological capital affect youths’ intentions to pursue agribusiness opportunities in the Eastern DRC. Data was collected on a sample of 600 youths. We applied Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS−SEM) in order to examine the relationship between the variables.