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Land Portal Program
Décret 98-610 réglementant les modalités de la mise en oeuvre de la Sécurisation Foncière Relative
The document, "Decree N° --------" outlines the legal framework governing land tenure security in Madagascar. It explicates the procedures for defining and securing land rights, particularly in relation to the management of renewable natural resources. The decree is based on several preceding laws and regulations, including law N°97.012 of June 6, 1997, which amended and supplemented Law N°90.033 of October 21, 1990, concerning the Environmental Charter. It also takes into account Law N°96.025 of September 30, 1996, related to local management of renewable natural resources. The decree defines Land Tenure Security (SFR) as a process that includes the delineation of the territory of a local community benefiting from the management of renewable natural resources, and the recognition of land occupations within that territory. It states that SFR only recognizes the right of enjoyment for occupants and can be a step towards land registration. The text also details the preliminary operations for implementing SFR, including administrative agreement for transfer of management, determination of the perimeter for SFR, and the methodology for awareness raising, surveying, delimitation, and boundary marking. The decree further provides for the creation of land reserves for the community in cases of large unoccupied parcels, and outlines the documentation required for SFR.
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