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AFR: Des projets pilotes à l'enregistrement foncier à l'échelle nationale (FR)

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The Africa Region Technical Workshop gathered a diverse range of stakeholders to discuss the shift from pilot projects to nationwide land registration in Sub-Saharan Africa. The workshop aimed to encourage knowledge sharing, strengthen South-South cooperation, and explore innovative solutions to the common challenges of scaling up land rights registration programs. Government representatives delivered presentations on key topics such as appropriate technologies, institutional frameworks, and the sustainability of land administration reforms. The Francophone session featured experiences from countries like Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, and Madagascar, with Madagascar sharing valuable lessons on expanding local initiatives to national coverage. Simultaneously, the Anglophone session highlighted efforts in countries such as Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Tanzania. The workshop's interactive design allowed participants to engage deeply with real-world case studies, enabling them to draw lessons applicable to their own national contexts. The event underscored the importance of regional cooperation and tailored strategies in building effective and sustainable land administration systems.

This resource has been made available by the organizers of the World Bank Land Conference under the following disclaimer.
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Debomy Sylvie; Rabary Sariaka