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IssuesIndigenous PeoplesLandLibrary Resource
There are 3, 463 content items of different types and languages related to Indigenous Peoples on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 1026

REDD and Rights In Cameroon

Reports & Research
January, 2011

"In this report, it is argued that national REDD readiness planning activities in Cameroon, including activities involving the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), lack effective actions to ensure the participation of indigenous peoples and local communities, miss solid data on the drivers of deforestation and gloss over critical land tenure, carbon rights and benefit sharing issues.

PUSHBACK: Local Power, Global Realignment

Reports & Research

If 2009 was the end of the hinterland and the beginning of a new globalized forest era, 2010 was a year of pushback. Worldwide, the news was full of reports of forest communities and Indigenous Peoples pushing back at land grabs and shaping policy at the national and global levels, and of governments countering and trying to contain community rights. Some governments and private investors accepted or even embraced the new players at the table and began to promote fairer business and conservation models.

Indigenous Women’s Rights And The African Human Rights System: A Toolkit On Mechanisms

Manuals & Guidelines
February, 2015

The toolkit has been created in order to introduce indigenous women, and the organisations which represent them, to the African system of human and peoples' rights. It highlights the different routes available to ensuring that the rights of indigenous women are valued and taken into account by the African Commission.


The toolkit is comprised of 11 Information Notes:

In Search of Common Grounds: Forging Land Partnerships in the Philippines

Reports & Research
January, 2007

This publication is a record of the efforts of the past three years to reconcile farmers and indigenous peoples by finding some common ground between them. It also tries to capture the experience in building partnerships among the government, groups supporting both farmers and indigenous peoples, and other agencies in order to address inconsistencies in the country’s laws and programs in regard to land and asset reform.