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Plan d’Action National pour la Gestion Durable des Ressources Environnementales Marines et Côtières de la République Démocratique du Congo.

National Policies
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Middle Africa

En vue de répondre à la dégradation des ressources de ses écosystèmes marins et côtiers, la République Démocratique du Congo a adopté le Plan d'Action National pour la Gestion Intégrée de la Zone marine et Côtière.

Stratégie Algérienne et Plan d’Action National d’Utilisation de la Diversité Biologique

National Policies
Northern Africa

La présente stratégie élaborée, est un ensemble de procédés raisonnés, ordonnés, conceptuels et techniques qui définissent l’organisation de base du développement de la diversité biologique algérienne au sein d’un objectif de croissance économique et sociale.La stratégie est fondée sur des principes qui exploitent l’évaluation des menaces qui pèsent sur la diversité biologique, les perceptions de ses valeurs, sa connaissance, ses valorisations bioéconomiques, par les développements agricole, systémique, ethnobotanique, pharmaceutique, industriel et la mise en place de moyens législatifs, in

Ley Nº 33/2015 - Modifica la Ley Nº 42/2007, Ley del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley modifica la Ley del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad, con el objeto garantizar la correcta aplicación del derecho internacional y la incorporación de la normativa de la Unión Europea, adecuándose a lo dispuesto en la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre el derecho del Mar de 1982 y en el Protocolo de Nagoya sobre el acceso a los recursos genéticos y participación justa y equitativa en los beneficios que se deriven de su utilización, así como perfeccionar la incorporación de la Directiva de Hábitats y de la Directiva de Aves de la Unión Europea al ordenamiento jurídico

Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 (W.S.I. No. 1598 (W. 197) of 2015).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2005, which make provision for the operation of a new system of local development plans established by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Amendments concern, among other things, inclusion of a marine plan prepared by the Welsh Ministers under Part 3 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 in the list of matters to which the Local Planning Authority must have regard in preparing a Local Development Plan.

Strengthening Regional Collaboration and Integration

May, 2016

West Africa’s coastal area is critical
to the region, home to a third of its people and the source
of about half of its gross domestic product (GDP). Because
most of it is composed of mangroves and sand formations, the
area’s coastline is also highly vulnerable to erosion caused
by coastal currents and storm surges. Erosion is evident
from Mauritania to Gabon - and the rates of erosion are
increasing. Around the port of Lome, for example, Togo’s

Impact of Climate Change and Aquatic Salinization on Fish Habitats and Poor Communities in Southwest Coastal Bangladesh and Bangladesh Sundarbans

April, 2016

Fisheries constitute an important source
of livelihoods for tens of thousands of poor people in the
southwest coastal region of Bangladesh living near the
UNESCO Heritage Sundarbans mangrove forest, and they supply
a significant portion of protein for millions. Among the
various threats fisheries in the southwest coastal region
and Sundarbans mangrove forest will face because of climate
change, adverse impacts from increased aquatic salinity

The Effects of Climate Change on Coastal Erosion in West Africa

May, 2016

The effects of climate change, from
changing precipitation patterns to rising seas, will
exacerbate the coastal erosion already affecting West
Africa, increasing the exposure and vulnerability of the
people and assets located there. Given the importance of the
coastal zone to the region as a whole, it is critical that
policy makers consider the effects of future climate change
in the decisions they make today. Regional cooperation is

Hidden Harvest : The Global Contribution of Capture Fisheries

December, 2012

This report provides a disaggregated
profile of the world's small and large-scale fisheries
and an estimate of its direct and indirect contributions to
gross domestic product, food security, and rural livelihoods
to uncover the hidden importance of the fisheries sector
with a view to increasing its economic and environmental
contributions in a sustainable manner. The study reveals
serious information deficiencies that undermine decision

Economic and Spatial Study of the Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change of Coastal Areas in Senegal

February, 2014

The African coastal countries are facing
several environmental and socio-economic challenges, such as
unplanned urban and economic development, fueled by a
growing rural exodus; non-functional or non-existent public
infrastructures to handle the demographic growth along the
coastline; air, water and soil pollution; and alteration of
coastal ecosystems. West Africa, in particular, is facing
severe land losses and major damage due to coastal erosion

The Political Economy of Natural Resource Use : Lessons for Fisheries Reform

January, 2014

The release of 'Sunken billions:
The economic justification for fisheries reform' has
drawn renewed attention to the enormous loss of wealth
suffered in fisheries each year due to weak fisheries
governance and the need for fundamental fisheries reform.
Such reform calls for addressing the issues plaguing the
world's fisheries, such as persistent overfishing and
fleet overcapitalization, and addressing the political

Kenya's Tourism : Polishing the Jewel

March, 2013

Kenya's tourism product lines and
its source markets function in a cross-sectoral context,
which leads to cross-cutting public and private sector
issues. Tourism has played a major role in Kenya's
development despite economic jolts from time-to-time by
internal and external shocks. In 2006 and 2007 the economy
grew rapidly and tourism, after a jolt in early 2008,
rebounded thanks to market conditions and some solid