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Displaying 961 - 972 of 3131

Women and Trade in Africa : Realizing the Potential

January, 2014

Regional trade in Africa can play a
vital role in diversifying economies and reducing dependence
on the export of a few mineral products, in delivering food
and energy security, in generating jobs for the increasing
numbers of young people, and in alleviating poverty and
promoting a shared prosperity. Women play a key role in
trade in Africa and will be essential to Africa's
success in exploiting its trade potential. In many countries

Barriers to the Implementation of Environmental Policies at the Local Level in China

October, 2014

China's national leaders have
recently made a priority of changing lanes from a
pollution-intensive, growth-at-any-cost model to a
resource-efficient and sustainable one. The immense
challenges of rapid urbanization are one aspect of the
problem. Central-local government relations are another
source of challenges, since the central government's
green agenda does not always find willing followers at lower

Growth Poles Program : Political Economy of Social Capital

June, 2014

The Government of Sierra Leone (GosL)
and the World Bank (WB) have agreed upon the design and
implementation of a growth poles program (GPP) in support of
the agenda for prosperity (A4P), the GoSL's third
poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSPIII). With support
from the European Union competitive industries and
innovation practice trust fund, the WB has been undertaking
a series of scoping and diagnostic analyses on the GPP since

Elaboration of Integration Strategies for Urban Marginalized Communities

June, 2016

The current report is part of the work
on integrating poor areas and marginalized communities in
Romania. Specifically, the Bank's technical assistance
provided through this project focuses on three primary
components: (1) a methodology for defining different types
of urban disadvantaged communities based on a set of key
criteria and indicators; (2) detailed maps that present the
spatial distribution of these indicators and the

Bhutan Poverty Assessment 2014

October, 2014

This report identifies the key drivers
of rapid poverty reduction in Bhutan over the recent years,
explaining why some dzongkhags are stuck in poverty or
reducing poverty is not significant while others prospered,
and whether female headed households have a harder time
reducing poverty. The exercise draws mainly on data from the
two rounds of Bhutan Living Standards Survey (2007 and 2012)
supplemented with focus group discussions carried out for

India : Women, Work and Employment

June, 2014

Since economic liberalization in the
early 1990s, India has experienced high economic growth and
made considerable progress in gender equality in areas such
as primary education. However, it fared poorly on
gender-parity in labor force participation (LFP). During the
period between 1993-94 and 2011-12, female labor force
participation rate (LFPR) remained consistently low as
compared to male participation. More alarming is the fact

Bangladesh - Poverty Assessment : Assessing a Decade of Progress in Reducing Poverty, 2000-2010

January, 2014

The purpose of this report is to
document some of the aforementioned achievements over the
2000-2010 decade and to illustrate their collective impact
on poverty in Bangladesh. Analysis is undertaken to identify
which factors contributed to the rapid decline in poverty
over time. The main limitation of this report is that the
analysis is based on a limited number of data sources, which
do not cover all aspects of the poverty reduction process.

Regional Initiative in Support of the Horn of Africa

December, 2014

The Horn of Africa (HoA) region has many
security and development challenges whose origins and
consequences go well beyond the borders of individual
countries. It is also a region with many human assets and
resource endowments, and some of the most dynamic economies
in the world. Despite its numerous challenges, the Horn of
Africa offers significant potential to address cross-border
issues that can help transform its countries and the region.

Analyzing Urban Systems : Have Megacities Become Too Large?

April, 2014

The trend toward ever greater
urbanization continues unabated across the globe. According
to the United Nations, by 2025 closes to 5 billion people
will live in urban areas. Many cities, especially in the
developing world, are set to explode in size. Over the next
decade and a half, Lagos is expected to increase its
population 50 percent, to nearly 16 million. Naturally,
there is an active debate on whether restricting the growth

Banking in Africa

February, 2014

This paper takes stock of the current
state of banking systems across Sub-Saharan Africa and
discusses recent developments including innovations that
might help Africa leapfrog more traditional banking models.
Using an array of different data, the paper documents that
African banking systems are shallow but stable. African
banks are well capitalized and over-liquid, but lend less to
the private sector than banks in non-African developing

Handbook for Improving the Living Conditions of Roma

December, 2014

A disproportionately large number of
Roma in Europe today face deep poverty, social exclusion,
and poor living conditions. Improving these is critical to
achieving the targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy, the
European Union s 10-year growth strategy, which aims to
reduce poverty, social exclusion, early school leaving, and
increase school attainment and employment by 2020. The EU
Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS) up

The Great Migration : Urban Aspirations

April, 2014

The great 21st-century migration into
cities will present both a great challenge for humanity and
a significant opportunity for global economic growth. This
paper describes the diverse patterns that define this
metropolitan migration. It then lays out a framework for
understanding the costs and benefits of new arrivals through
migration's externalities and the challenges and policy
tradeoffs that confront city stakeholders. The paper