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Implementing Forest Landscape Restoration Initiatives

Policy Papers & Briefs
October, 2017

Forest landscape restoration (FLR) initiatives are being launched over much of the global South. These initiatives seek to restore ecological functions and associated ecosystem goods and services while improving social outcomes (Mansourian and Vallauri 2014). The scale of these initiatives is such that large geographic areas as well as large numbers of people will be affected in the countries that choose to participate in them.

A legislação sobre o acesso aos recursos naturais em Moçambique: o impacto das novas leis e das consultas comunitárias sobre o bem-estar a nível local

Reports & Research
September, 2017

Este relatório considera um dos aspectos práticos mais importantes da participação
local na Lei de Terras e outra legislação sobre recursos naturais: a consulta
comunitária, através da qual os estranhos – o Estado, novos investidores, empresas
madeireiras, grupos de hotéis – obtêm acesso à terra e recursos locais com a

Securing Community Land Rights: Priorities and Opportunities to Advance Climate And Sustainable Development Goals

Policy Papers & Briefs
September, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

Legally recognized and secure land and resource rights are fundamental to the advancement of global peace, prosperity, and sustainability. From the development of human cultures to the realization of democracy itself, tenure security underpins the very fabric of human society and our relationship to the natural environment. Today, insecure tenure rights threaten the livelihoods and wellbeing of a third of the world’s population, and with it, the very future of our planet.

Why red lights are flashing over consultation on communal land bills

Reports & Research
September, 2017
South Africa

Parliament is processing, or is due to process, six bills that have particular significance for the rights of people living in SA’s former homelands. Three draft bills have also been published for comment. Among these are the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Amendment Bill and the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill, which together echo and seek to entrench important aspects of the Bantu Authorities Act that shaped apartheid.


Journal Articles & Books
September, 2017
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul
Este artigo possui o objetivo de analisar, criticamente, a ação extensionista promovida na defesa dos direitos étnicos e territoriais da comunidade quilombola de Queimadas, no procedimento administrativo para a certificação da desconformidade do empreendimento minerário denominado “Projeto Serro”, à legislação de uso e ocupação do solo do Município do Serro.

A Study Report on Analysis of Key Land Laws in Sri Lanka

Reports & Research
September, 2017
Sri Lanka

Land is an imperative and crucial factor in the social, cultural and economic identity of the people in Sri Lanka due to the importance it has been given throughout our history. Moreover, the rights and interests over land are unequivocally and legally secured without any discrimination on the basis of gender, caste, religious or ethnic lines for its peaceful enjoyment and for the economic development of the people and the country.

Autonomía de la Nación Wampís: Tarimat Pujut y la construcción del futuro común

Reports & Research
September, 2017

El Gobierno Territorial Autónomo de la Nación Wampis (GTANW) ejerce su autonomía de hecho, sin expreso dictamen de la normativa interna sino basándose en el Convenio 169 de la OIT. De esta forma ejercen el control de su territorio, la cual una parte está titulada y la otra no; las áreas no tituladas son de uso y ocupación ancestral y que han sido aprovechadas y cuidadas por los Wampis.

"When we import goods, we export jobs"

Conference Papers & Reports
August, 2017

This article was submitted for the UN Economic Commission for Africa “2017 Conference on Land Policy in Africa” Nov. 14-17 2017, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

This article sheds light on a series of events that triggered escalating tensions over land and resources in the coastal communities of Lagos, Nigeria. This article provides an in-depth analysis of Nigeria’s laws on expropriation and the processes of acquiring land and compensating landholders in the Lekki Free Trade Zone (LFTZ) case. Specifically, the analysis addresses the following research questions:

Discursos sobre o Regime de Propriedade da Terra em Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2017
África subsariana
Os discursos e posicionamentos sobre o regime de propriedade da terra em Moçambique não são coincidentes. Este artigo apresenta as percepções que os diferentes stakeholders (Estado, Comunidades locais, sector privado, Investidores, Sociedade Civil, etc.) envolvidos na relação com a terra possuem em relação à questão fundiária no País, sobretudo no atual contexto marcado pelo grande fluxo de projetos de investimento, de investidores nacionais e estrangeiros, com interesses no agronegócio, na exploração mineira e exploração de hidrocarbonetos. 

Assessment of Land Governance System in Preventing State Land Conflicts in Zambia

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2017

The purpose of the research is to assess the land governance system in preventing state land conflicts in Zambia. In order to obtain insights about the actual realities on the ground, based on a case study strategy (i.e. Lusaka District has a study area), the research examined the present status of state land governance system, and investigated the efficiency of the present state land governance system in preventing state land conflicts.

LEGEND Land Policy Bulletin 8

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2017

This LEGEND bulletin explores the relationship between agribusiness and land rights. It features articles on the power of local engagement for financial investment, using technology for mapping rights, and catalysing private sector respect for community land rights.