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Issues Forest Tenure related Project
Displaying 217 - 228 of 245

Agricultural Services Support Programme (ASSP)


The programme aims to contribute to economic diversification, reduction of rural poverty and food insecurity and improve livelihoods of approximately 20,000 farming households in the regions of Ngamiland, Chobe, North East, Central, Kgatleng, Kweneng, Southern and South East. The programme aims to achieve a viable and sustainable smallholder agricultural sector based on farming as a business, not reliant on subsidies or welfare measures, focusing on women and youth currently engaged, or potential new entrants, into smallholder agriculture. Land and natural resource governance interventions intend to strengthen participatory local land use planning in the identification, demarcation and planning of cluster farming areas. The programme aims to encourage the allocation of under-utilised land to landless women and youth while maintaining security of tenure of owners by strengthening rental agreements. Cluster Management Committees and Agricultural Management Associations will be established to strengthen group management of land.

Introduction of voluntary land consolidation in Ukraine in the context of opening land market, and as an instr


FAO is currently providing technical support to the Government of Azerbaijan (Ministry of Agriculture) with introduction of land consolidation instrument to address the problem of inefficient farm structures (small and fragmented) and boost agricultural transformation and development (Project reference: TCP/AZE/3601). The main objectives of the project are to develop a national land consolidation strategy, increase the institutional capacity to develop and implement modern land consolidation projects and implement a voluntary land consolidation project in a selected pilot area. Land consolidation activities are seen in a broader rural development context, because the needs and constraints the communities face are much broader than only farm structures. The Community Area Development Plan will be prepared in the process together with the local authorities and all interested local stakeholders. Land consolidation is being currently tested in the selected community and adapted in the process to the national context. The most suitable model will be developed in line with best international practices and the VGGT. Pilot experiences from the field project will feed into the Land Consolidation Strategy to be prepared in order to integrate land consolidation into broader policy framework.

REDD Early Movers (REM) Mato Grosso


Forest protection as climate protection: Among other measures for forest protection policies and activities in the area of land law regulation as well as forest monitoring and deforestation control are supported to reduce deforestation.

Sustainable Rural Development Programme (PDRD)


The goal of the programme was to contribute to rural poverty reduction efforts through activities that intended to develop target village groups and their institutions' capacity to better manage the land; to reverse the process of degradation of cropland and non-cropland through watershed management and irrigation construction; to increase the income of rural poor who constitute the target group by improving agricultural production and productivity; and to improve the living conditions of the target groups by increasing their access to basic social services and markets. The targeted population was included in 30,000 households in the five provinces of Bam, Loroum, Passoré, Yatenga et Zondana. On land and natural resource governance, the programme undertook awareness raising activities regarding land issues. It further has provided support for the recording and formalization of land transaction, and for land registration, the recognition of land rights and land governance. It strengthened local institutions that deal with land tenure security; it defined a strategy regarding this issue and contributed to the land management policy at provincial and regional levels, as well as to the National Land Policy. Moreover it supported the establishment of a land tenure security fund to support the target groups which lack land access.

Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Framework Project


Framework support to RRI, a global coalition of international, regional and community organizations dedicated to raising global awareness on forest policy and tenure reforms to achieve goals of poverty alleviation, biodiversity and forest-based economic growth. The overall objective of the project is to reduce poverty, enhance well-being and strengthen democratic governance and development in forest areas of developing countries.

Rural Land Governance Project


This project aims to increase investment in land and rural productivity through improved land tenure security and land management. Expected results include greater security of land rights and improved access to more efficient land institutions, which together contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction in rural areas. Specific activities include: - Legal and Procedural Change and Communication, to support the Government of Burkina Faso’s efforts to develop and implement improved rural land legislation and other legal and procedural frameworks; - Institutional Development and Capacity Building, to improve institutional capacity to deliver land services in rural area; - Site-Specific Land Tenure Interventions, including participatory land use management planning and clarifying and securing land rights, to ensure that the institutional development and legal and procedural change activities yield their intended benefits across targeted municipalities and agricultural development zones.

Agricultural Intensification and Value-Enhancing Support Project (PAIVA-B)


Donor's contribution: European Union: US$ 6.00 million World Food Programme: US$ 4.66 million Other funding: US$ 2.50 million The project was designed in a post-crisis context, and it aims to contribute to the fight against poverty among the 30,000 most vulnerable households, in the six provinces north and east of the capital Bujumbura: Cibitoke, Kayanza, Karusi, Bubanza, Muramvya, Gitega and to develop organized and sustainable family farming to allow small-scale rural producers to increase their incomes. Measures will be taken to combat erosion and integrate crops and livestock, the use of pesticides and agricultural intensification. Land and natural resource governance related activities aim to strengthen the land tenure security owned or held by household; to strengthen the security of land tenure of individuals and groups who have access to State-owned marsh lands. The project aims to spread the relevant provisions of the Land Code, the Environmental Code and the law on public water resources. Women will have priority access to rehabilitated wetlands and those developed by the project.

Rural Development and Modernization Project for the Central and Paracentral Region (PRODEMOR-CENTRAL)


The project aims to reduce significantly the current levels of poverty and extreme poverty of 6,600 households in 66 municipalities of the Central and Paracentral region through participative, community-driven, micro-watershed-centred, social and economic processes, following a deliberate action strategy of gender and intercultural equity, environmental sustainability and organisational and institutional strengthening. Land and natural resource governance interventions aim to support the achievement of cooperation agreements between land owners and land tenants, and territorial consolidation of indigenous communities.

Compensation payments for resource and landscape management conducive to carbon storage


Central America is the tropical region most severely affected by climate change worldwide. Soil degradation, forest loss and monocultures make it even more vulnerable to climate change. Regional efforts to harmonise climate protection activities and biodiversity goals have so far been unsuccessful. The project will create carbon sinks through forest landscape restoration (FLR) and establish these across the entire region. FLR is seen here as an approach that treats the entire landscape as a whole. The objective of the project is to restore forest resources in a way that is appropriate to the landscape as part of REDD+ in Central America. Therefore, in supporting measures for preserving landscapes (e.g. compensation mechanisms), the different types of use that lead to increased carbon storage must be taken into account and the various user groups (small-scale forest owners) must be involved in designing the mechanisms. The lessons learned, especially with regard to the negotiation process and the implementation of compensation mechanisms related to FLR, will be fed into the international discussion on climate change, particularly into dialogue on REDD+.

Supporting revision of the National Land Tax both for rural and urban land in Bhutan


The intention of this project is to support the National Land Commission Secretariat in revising the existing land tax rates for both rural and urban areas and proposing a new land tax system with the aim of increasing and decentralizing revenue generation, reducing land speculation, and providing broader and more equitable access to land. This will impact on land use patterns in Bhutan and aims to provide a predictable, inflation-proof and sustainable stream of revenue to support local services, and influence economic activity in desired ways, whilst being affordable and equitable to the taxpayer, and inexpensive to administer.

Protecting Tropical Forests in the Guiana Shield Ecological Region


The project targets efforts to preserve the largest contiguous tropical forest complex in the world in three countries with areas located within the so-called Guiana Shield (Guyana, Surinam and Brazil). To this end, the project supports comprehensive conservation area management in the Brazilian states of Amapá and Pará. In Guyana and Surinam, inventory analyses are being conducted to quantify carbon, biodiversity and deforestation factors to provide a foundation for developing national REDD demonstration projects.

Support for the Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure (Component 3, China, India and South


The project comprises workshops and activities to increase the awareness of Chinese, Indian and South-African investors involved in extraterritorial (i.e. overseas or outbound) investments. The scope of the study draws upon wider international experience of several BRICS countries. In China, the original target country for this activity, it has proven to be particularly difficult to identify and contact suitable institutions. Efforts to find an appropriate institution will continue, with the help of colleagues in the Trade and Markets Division. In September 2015, the study started in India under a consultancy agreement with Professor Praveen Kumar Jha of the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. A first draft was delivered in late December 2015 that is currently under review. The study focusses on the extraterritorial investments of India in African countries (e.g., in Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda). A contract under Letter of Agreement is also underway with the NEPAD Business Foundation in South Africa. The NEPAD Business Foundation provided a detailed work plan for the study. It is expected that they will start the study in 2016. They will also concentrate on investments in African countries.