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Issues Forest Tenure related Project
Displaying 217 - 228 of 245

Southern Nyanza Community Development Project (SNCDP)


The project intended to reduce poverty and improve the livelihoods of 100,000 households in six districts: Homa Bay, Kuria, Migori, Nyamira, Rachuonyo and Suba, that are among the poorest districts in the relatively high-potential agricultural area around Lake Victoria. The project’s intermediate objective was to enhance gendered empowerment of the rural communities through improved health and more rational use and management of natural resources for sustainable livelihood activities. On land and natural resource governance, the project intended to enable in particular the poor and vulnerable groups to analyse their land tenure security situations and to establish contact with the District Land Office, Land Control Boards and Tribunals, chiefs and elders; it assisted the communities in installing a water supply scheme or rehabilitating their own scheme to meet the national standard set for per capita supply of water. 56 Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) processes were undertaken and community action plans developed through active community participation.

Poverty Reduction Project in Aftout South and Karakoro - Phase II (PASK II)


The project aims to improve incomes and living conditions for 21,000 households in the areas of Aftout South and Karakoro. The specific objective is to help build an economic and social fabric based on sustainable natural resource management that is inclusive of poor rural households, particularly women and young people. Land and natural resource governance related interventions include land agreements to guarantee equitable access to land which will be indispensable for any irrigation scheme and the adoption of an integrated watershed management approach. Land Tenure Arrangements, both large scale or on smaller areas, help stabilize use rights, to make them more fair and accessible for the target population.

“ENPARD Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia”


During 2017, FAO has under the FAO ENPARD project (GCP/ARM/006/EC) assessed the reasons for land abandonment, an emergent problem in Armenia, and prepared a Policy Note outlining a range of possible responses. The analysis revealed that land abandonment is a complex multi-dimensional process with interlinked economic, environmental, social factors causing it. The inability to irrigate (due to infrastructure constraints, economic constraints or for any other reasons) was found to be among the main drivers of land abandonment in Armenia. Thus, the multiple causality of land abandonment requires a coordinated policy response between agricultural policy, land policy and improvements in the irrigation sector. The policy note and the advise provided therein builds on the VGGT principles of good governance of tenure.

Agricultural Services Support Programme (ASSP)


The programme aims to contribute to economic diversification, reduction of rural poverty and food insecurity and improve livelihoods of approximately 20,000 farming households in the regions of Ngamiland, Chobe, North East, Central, Kgatleng, Kweneng, Southern and South East. The programme aims to achieve a viable and sustainable smallholder agricultural sector based on farming as a business, not reliant on subsidies or welfare measures, focusing on women and youth currently engaged, or potential new entrants, into smallholder agriculture. Land and natural resource governance interventions intend to strengthen participatory local land use planning in the identification, demarcation and planning of cluster farming areas. The programme aims to encourage the allocation of under-utilised land to landless women and youth while maintaining security of tenure of owners by strengthening rental agreements. Cluster Management Committees and Agricultural Management Associations will be established to strengthen group management of land.

Introduction of voluntary land consolidation in Ukraine in the context of opening land market, and as an instr


FAO is currently providing technical support to the Government of Azerbaijan (Ministry of Agriculture) with introduction of land consolidation instrument to address the problem of inefficient farm structures (small and fragmented) and boost agricultural transformation and development (Project reference: TCP/AZE/3601). The main objectives of the project are to develop a national land consolidation strategy, increase the institutional capacity to develop and implement modern land consolidation projects and implement a voluntary land consolidation project in a selected pilot area. Land consolidation activities are seen in a broader rural development context, because the needs and constraints the communities face are much broader than only farm structures. The Community Area Development Plan will be prepared in the process together with the local authorities and all interested local stakeholders. Land consolidation is being currently tested in the selected community and adapted in the process to the national context. The most suitable model will be developed in line with best international practices and the VGGT. Pilot experiences from the field project will feed into the Land Consolidation Strategy to be prepared in order to integrate land consolidation into broader policy framework.

REDD Early Movers (REM) Mato Grosso


Forest protection as climate protection: Among other measures for forest protection policies and activities in the area of land law regulation as well as forest monitoring and deforestation control are supported to reduce deforestation.

Sustainable Rural Development Programme (PDRD)


The goal of the programme was to contribute to rural poverty reduction efforts through activities that intended to develop target village groups and their institutions' capacity to better manage the land; to reverse the process of degradation of cropland and non-cropland through watershed management and irrigation construction; to increase the income of rural poor who constitute the target group by improving agricultural production and productivity; and to improve the living conditions of the target groups by increasing their access to basic social services and markets. The targeted population was included in 30,000 households in the five provinces of Bam, Loroum, Passoré, Yatenga et Zondana. On land and natural resource governance, the programme undertook awareness raising activities regarding land issues. It further has provided support for the recording and formalization of land transaction, and for land registration, the recognition of land rights and land governance. It strengthened local institutions that deal with land tenure security; it defined a strategy regarding this issue and contributed to the land management policy at provincial and regional levels, as well as to the National Land Policy. Moreover it supported the establishment of a land tenure security fund to support the target groups which lack land access.

Capacity Building for Improvement in Land Administration and Procedures in Bosnia Herzegovina (CILAP)


The “Capacity Building for Improvement of Land Administration and Procedures in Bosnia and Herzegovina” – CILAP project, is a long term project aimed to build capacity and transfer knowledge with the overall objective to increase the effectiveness and reliability of land administration processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From the beginning CILAP project is planned, described and approved for six (6) years period with the goal to support geodetic authorities in BH during the whole implementation period of Real Estate Registration Project (RERP), funded by World Bank loan. The Project contributes to expected long- term impact: -By efficient land administration contribute to economic and social development, sustainable market and usage of real estates, and BiH accession to EU. The expected impact will be reached if the project main goal is fulfilled, and it is: -Confidence in Geodetic Authorities in BiH strengthened through delivering of efficient services and providing of secure and reliable information to the customers.

Support for Implementation of SOLA Open Source Software in Nigeria


The objective of the project is to develop an open source enterprise software application that supports core cadastre and registration functions. The project will provide support for the customization of the initial SOLA software and its implementation in Nigeria. The project will establish an open source community of users and developers around the SOLA software and improve sustainability, efficiency and transparency.

PAK3004 Institutional cooperation


This project aims to enhance capacity for dealing with the risk for floods and other natural hazards in Pakistan by producing test data for a small pilot area. The project consists of three components: 1. Procurement of airborne laser scanning and aerial photography, as well as high-resolution satellite images for a pilot area; 2. Establish capacity at SoP for efficient distribution of geographic information; 3. Enhance the capacity at SoP to provide training in modern surveying, mapping and geographic information, to its own employees as well as to students from outside

Support for Country Level Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure o


This project is intended to form part of the overall support programme specifically envisaged to provide targeted support for the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (Voluntary Guidelines) at country level over a period of 30 months. Relevant components under this proposal focus on i) building awareness and supporting the development of multi-stakeholder national forums in selected countries; and iii) supporting the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines in Sierra Leone through a multi-sectoral intervention. Component 3 will focus on providing technical support to Sierra Leone in the following five thematic areas: Legal Framework Assessment, Land Administration and Enabling Technologies, Fisheries Tenure, Forestry Tenure and Right to Food.