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Issues Forest Tenure related Project
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Global Land Tool Network Phase 2


The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) was established in 2006 and brings together over 70 international institutions to promote secure land and property rights for all, through the development of pro-poor and gender-appropriate land tools. The goal of GLTN Phase 2 programme is to ensure that “international organizations, UN-Habitat staff and related land programmes/projects and targeted national and local governments are better able to improve tenure security of the urban and rural poor”. Phase 2 builds on the success of Phase 1 that ended in 2011. Phase 2 of the GLTN emphasizes prioritizing, pilot-testing and rolling out priority land tools and approaches at country level; integrating capacity development and training in tool development processes; implementing capacity development programmes and supporting tool implementation in targeted countries and/ or cities / municipalities; supporting advocacy and knowledge management efforts; and mainstreaming gender equality, youth responsiveness, human rights and grassroots engagement in land work.

Support to Agricultural Production and Marketing Project - Western Extension (PROPACOM WNW)


The project will complements the ongoing PROPACOM project in the centre-north, north and northeast of the country. It aims to reduce poverty and stimulate economic growth in the regions of Bafing, Béré, Folon, Kabadougou, Tonpki and Worodougou. The project will focus on increasing agricultural productivity of rice, maize, cassava and the vegetable value chain. It will improve food security by increasing 30,000 smallholder farmers households' access to services, rural financial services, technologies and markets. The project targets particularly women and young people who are involved in food production, processing and marketing in an effort to improve their incomes and livelihoods. On land and natural resource governance, the project aims to conduct population awareness campaigns in the local language for land registration. Further it will fund the cost of the bundle (document to be filled for requesting registration) for owners of lowlands and it will establish a device for land ownership clarification to rehabilitate and develop 2,300 ha of lowland.

Development of VGGT-based framework for assessing forest tenure; and assessments conducted in several countrie


A VGGT based forest tenure assessment framework/tool was developed and tested to evaluate the forest tenure related policies, laws, institutions, and administration in order to identify areas for improvement with respect to the VGGT principles, as well as identify and prioritize actions for strengthening governance of forest tenure in country.

Improved Governance of Tenure for Shared Prosperity in the Senegal River Basin


This project funded by the Federal Government of Germany is intended to form part of the overall support programme specifically envisaged to provide targeted support for the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT). Building on the momentum created by the endorsement of the VGGT, the project aims at responding to an increasing demand from numerous actors in the Senegal River Basin over the past few years - especially representatives from civil society, farmers’ and pastoralists’ organizations, local authorities, etc. - to discuss and improve governance of tenure and accountability in the context of new investments in agriculture being made by public and private investors. Outputs under this project focus on: Interrelations between VGGT, F&G and LGAF are levelled and strengthened in the three countries.; Enhanced capacity on the VGGT and F&G in the Senegal River Basin; and inclusive multi-stakeholder platform and mechanisms for dialogue and implementation of actions on tenure issues in the Senegal River Basin established. It includes the integration of contributions into the national tenure governance road maps of the three countries and ad hoc support to the road maps implementation processes towards improvement of the legal and administrative framework for land based investments in the Senegal River Basin region.

Support to privatization of State agricultural land


The project is analyzing the current legal and institutional framework related to sale and management of state owned agricultural land, including for compliance with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT), and is providing policy recommendations for the use of management and sale of state land to improve farm structures and ensure access of smallholders to additional land. Upon the request of the Senior Management of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MAFWE), a note on the establishment of a new Land Agency was prepared. The proposal is based on a brief analysis of the Macedonian country context in the area of land management and European good practices. The background for the proposal is a wish to ensure a stronger coordination between the different land management instruments and create synergies including land consolidation, to catalyze the process.

Multi-stakeholder workshop to support the inclusion of the VGGT into the land tenure reform process


FAO’s tenure-related work in Madagascar included the conduct of a multi-stakeholder workshop to support the inclusion of the VGGT into the land tenure reform process in the country. As a result of the workshop, held in February 2015, the VGGT have been included (and cited) in the new Land Policy Letter, which is a key political document giving orientation for the consolidation of the land tenure reform process (period 2015 – 2030). Following the workshop the letter was presented to the Minister in charge of land tenure issues (Ministère d’état en charge des Projets Présidentiels, de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Equipement – MEPATE) and adopted in May 2015 by the Government.

Capacity development: Applying the VGGT for and with Indigenous Peoples (India)


The programme, jointly developed by the Indigenous Peoples’ team and the Land tenure team in FAO, as well as with the Asia Indigenous Peoples pact and local Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, was specifically designed for Indigenous Peoples of India (Adivasi). It lasted for about one year, and consisted in two sub-national workshops (in north-east India and central India), a period during which the participants conduct research in their communities, and one national workshop carried out in New Delhi, in August 2016 to present the results of this research and discuss with government representatives. The overall objective was to strengthen the recognition and protection of indigenous peoples’ tenure rights and customary tenure systems, exploring practical actions to implement the VGGT in conjunction with national and local laws, in particular the Forest Rights Act.

Support to and capitalization on the EU Land Governance Programme in Africa (Phase I)


This programme funded by the European Union (EU) aims at enhancing the joint implementation of the VGGT (Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land , Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security) and the F&G (Framework and Guidelines of the Land Policy Initiative (LPI)) at Pan African level and at supporting and consolidating the implementation of the EU Land governance in 10 African countries (Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan*, Angola, Malawi, Eswatini). The systematization of the knowledge sharing and aggregation of the lessons learnt amongst the 10 In–country projects will feed the support for integrated implementation at pan African level. On the other hand the Pan-African level component will focus on fostering political leadership on land governance, elaborating the monitoring and evaluation core system, preparing tailor made tools for joint implementation. The project will be handled by two FAO officers (P5& P4) based in the LPI’s premises in Addis Ababa to ensure an optimal synergy for the integrated implementation. the programme aims at enhancing the land governance in Africa. South Sudan* project formally cancelled by EUD as per email, due to force majeure, on December 2016, operationally closed in July 2017.

Support for the Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure (Component 1)


The United Kingdom will provide financial support totalling GBP 3 922 159 over three years for the dissemination and effective and high quality implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (Voluntary Guidelines) which were globally endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security in May 2012 and whose implementation has been encouraged by the UK. Effective implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines is also the overarching purpose of the new G8 land partnerships negotiated in 2013 under the UK G8 Presidency. Component 1, which focuses on Myanmar, Nepal, and South Africa will focus on delivering country level workshops to raise awareness on the Voluntary Guidelines, increasing the ability of governments and citizens to understand and administer tenure rights and the processes involved in providing access to and transferring such rights, supporting multi-stakeholder national forums and the development of plans for mainstreaming the Voluntary Guidelines in participating countries.

“Mainstreaming of the National Land Consolidation Programme (MAINLAND)”


The MAINLAND project is supporting the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MAFWE) to build technical and administrative capacity to implement the National Land Consolidation Programme and the provisions of the National Land Consolidation Strategy adopted by the Government in 2012 for mainstreaming the National Land Consolidation Programme through (i) developing expertise and strengthening the land consolidation capacities of local stakeholders, (ii) raising public awareness about the benefits of land consolidation; and (iii) implementing the first round of land consolidation projects. The proposed approach to land consolidation is integrated, combining activities addressing small holding sizes and reducing land fragmentation with other local rural development needs, such as design and construction of new agricultural infrastructure, while preserving the environment. In supporting the land consolidation programme FAO respects a few key principles: respect all legitimate tenure rights (not just formally registered ownership rights); include safeguards – participatory process, fair valuation and accessible options for appeal; and the cornerstone principle that participants should be as well off after the project as before.

Support for Country Level Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines,Component 3 Strengthening the Disseminati


The purpose of the project is to support the dissemination and implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines, through a multi-stakeholder platform bringing together representatives from the public and private sector, research, civil society and farmers' organizations, with the aim to support the ongoing process of improving land governance. The project aims to further strengthen ownership of the Voluntary Guidelines in Senegal through: capacity building of all stakeholders in land governance; support for the ongoing reforms process;support to the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines locally.

Land governance with local communities living in protected areas


This project seeks to promote the incorporation of responsible land tenure governance guidelines with local communities living in protected areas and their areas of influence. This will be achieved in partnership with key national entities (National Natural Parks, Land Restitution Unit and Rural Agricultural Planning Unit) and WWF-Colombia.